Monday, December 22, 2008

Please welcome...

...two new sponsors to the blog!

The first new sponsor is Workers United for Radiation Free Produce who remind you to: And our second new sponsor is Shelf Shop. Located out on Route 14 just past the George W. Bush Home for the Criminally Insane, Shelf Shop now sells more than just shelving systems. Lazlo, Minnie, Gert, and the gang now also sell a full line of protective undergarmentsand braces, supports, and trusses.
They'd also like to remind you that even though Lazlo Jr was never actually convicted of anything, he is no longer doing any deliveries near elementary schools and karaoke bars.
As always, please do your best to patronize our sponsors.


Unknown said...

I'm not exactly sure what #13 does, but I think you might need one.

susan s. said...

That's for a hernia. Not to make one, but to contain it!

I must say, I love this blog!!

themom said...

I'm getting older, I may have to consider some of these undergarments....soon!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Susan-Thanks for thenice compliment. Your check is in the mail!

Tengrain said...

Von Monkerstein -

I can see why they would sponsor you! I've always thought of Monkey-Muck as being top shelf, and after reading a few posts, I need a truss from laughing so hard.



Elizabeth said...

Well, now I know where I can go to solve all my undergarment problems. Thank you, Monkey!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Tengrain-You are too kind sir. A compliment like that from one such as you who writes some of the funniest posts ever, well sir, that means the world to me. Thanks.

Snad said...

By the way, that first comment was from me, not Beth. Shows you what happens when you share a computer at work and don't check the log-in when you climb on the intertubes!

Karen Zipdrive said...

After a solid week of bronchitis and wretched coughing, I need a pair of #1s and about 500 of those soaky pads.
And maybe a shelf to store them on.

pissed off patricia said...

Hell, you may have just saved my life. I was going to get shit faced and drive a tractor. Now I'm thinking twice about that plan.

I'm not even going to think about what garment number 12 is all about.

dguzman said...

I'm wondering what #4 is--chair pads?

Chris said...

When you said you had a "sponsor" I was thinking....never mind.

But those are some spectacular underbritches!