Monday, December 1, 2008

Once more, with feeling

Just in time for the big holiday season I'm offering you all one more chance to buy my out of print novel.
It's a wild pulp noir crime novel that got great reviews when it first came out. You can get a copy emailed to you, whereupon you can read it on your computer or you can print it off and read it on paper. The choices are endless!

How do you get this great work of contemporary fiction? Well kids, it's simple. All you have to do is make an $11 donation to my Paypal account and when it shows up I'll email the novel to you. If you'd like to get my novel please send me an email to monkeymuckATgmailDOTcom with the words 'I want Trouble!' in the subject line. When I get your email I'll check if you have made the donation to my Paypal account and if you have sent it in, I'll send you the novel via the interwebs.

J.K. Rowling, Terry Pratchett, and Stephen King don't need any more sales, I however could use a few hundred or more, so buy my novel and encourage others to do the same.


Karen Zipdrive said...

How cool.
I don't like PayPal but I'll send you an e-mail so you can send me the address to send a check.
Can't wait to read it, and congratulations.

pissed off patricia said...

Bummer! Your timing is kinda bad as Joe the Plumber's new book hit the shelves today.

I'm not kidding, his book really is out today.

Joe said...

It's a great read, it'll be money well-spent. It has the Sprawling Ramshackle Compound Seal of Approval.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Did I miss the part with the link to your PayPal account page?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

It's on the sidebar Vikki.

Tengrain said...

I will add an endorsement: I have a copy of this book, I really liked it a lot - it's funny, suspenseful, has a lot of great sex scenes. Did I mention the sex?

If you like Dr. Von Monkerstein's blog, you will love this book.


(PS - I really did like it!)