Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It was a regular Sohpie's choice when it came to colognes in the late '60's

You could either smell like a bull fight
orlike cigarettes, stale beer, and piss.


Missy said...

I will put "Uncorks the lusty life" on my "Things to Cross stitch" list.

Angry Ballerina said...

How come I have the feeling that it smells like rubbing alchohol?

Anonymous said...

What about Aqua Velva? It was very popular to smell like a sailor just home from 6 months at sea without running water.

Snad said...

I'll take the first one. Bull shit is easier on my nose than cigarette smoke.

Gifted Typist said...

gotta love the bolero man

themom said...

Hell, I thought all men used Old Spice!! The annual throw under the Christmas tree at the last minute know he hates it will end up in drawer till regifted - gift!

Anonymous said...

Dang it, I was just born too late.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Thanks for the postcard, you lovable Monkey! I missed you and your blog!

Mnmom said...

And for those of us girls of a "certain age" is was either smell like a diaper (LOVE's Baby Soft) or like rotten produce (LOVE's Fresh Lemon).

Freida Bee said...

No wonder I am so fucked up. This explains my unconscious desire to be around men who smell like these colognes.

pissed off patricia said...

I swear there are some men still wearing this stuff. Nothing worse than the smell of a man's cologne that has gone bad about ten or more years ago.

dguzman said...

Take the first one--it's "packed in a handsome wooden case" and found "at fine men's stores everywhere." Snazzy.

Tanya Espanya said...

How did I never know about that cologne?!