Friday, December 5, 2008

Comment Policy

First off please know that I love most all your comments and I am deeply grateful that so many of you take the time to read and comment. It never ceases to amaze me that so many people read what I write. I never in a million years thought that I'd have a blog and that I'd make friends with people all over the country and all over the world though it. So again, thank you all for reading and commenting.

Now having said that why do I delete some comments? For these reasons:
  • the commenter is a right wing troll who has been insulting to me or my commenters in the past.
  • the commenter annoys or has annoyed me in the past.
  • you pointed out a typo for which I am grateful and it was corrected so your comment has been rendered moot.
  • your comment denied the premise of a comedic post I wrote.
  • you took issue with and started an argument another of my commenters in my comments section.
  • you are a spammer and are trying to use my blog to drive business to your blog or web page.
  • you left multiple comments on the same post or responded to another commenter repeatedly.

If you see I have deleted your comment please don't be an ass and keep trying to leave the same comment or leaving another comment about how I am abusing your freedom of speech because I am not. If you have the ability to comment on my blog then you can write your own blog. And then I can feel free not to read it.

As for what comments may annoy me, it's really a crap shoot. What may annoy me one day may not annoy me the next. If you are a long time commenter who usually leaves funny or complimentary comments I'll let you slide if you write a comment that may annoy me one day. I'll also give the benefit of the doubt to most Canadian women, a few Finns, and to a player to be named later.


Splotchy said...


(yes, I already did this here)

Dr Zibbs said...

Have any of my comments been deleted? Just curious. And I hear you with the spammer. I've only gotten a few and it pisses me off. Me. The president of THAT BLUE YAK.

Megan said...

I'm cool with it. I'm a lurker, anyway! :)

themom said...

Hey, I can be Finnish...does that help??? I can be anything your little heart desires...excuse me , I was flashing back about 20 years.

Mnmom said...

I hate those spammers too.
Anyone's right to free speech stops at the door of your blog. Like you said, they can get their own.

Missy said...

Meh, sounds good to me! Master of your domain!

Jay Allbritton said...

I love that people plead for their free speech on a blog comments section. That's classic. It's like a tree no one heard fall in the woods complaining that no one hearing it fall violates its free speech.

Elizabeth said...

I hope you know that my comments are always meant to be complimentary or funny. If they're not funny, well, sometimes I'm off or out of material. Sorry.

I tend to be sarcastic, and that will come through in my comments. I want to be sure you know that my sarcasm is just a joke.

I feel sure you already know this, but I like to be sure.

Tanya Espanya said...

haha splotchy!

Have I been deleted? Oh well, I continue to crush you with my bloggy love, even if I can't always slither over here...I say hi to you on other blogs...


Anonymous said...

Please buy my Tupperware. I disagree with everyone and hate blogs. Please buy my Tupperware. I'm so glad I'm a Canadian woman.

K.Line said...

Of course, I totally support this policy. Sincerely, A Canadian Woman xo

Tengrain said...

...and that's why you should buy Amway.

Hey! What happened to my well-crafted sales pitch?!

Damn you, Monkerstein!



yournamehere said...

I think you delete me when I start up with my freestyle poetry.

Life As I Know It Now said...

seems reasonable enough to me!

Claire said...

OK, I'll stop trying to convince you to accept Jesus as your personal savior and to contribute to the George W. Bush Presidential Library fund. Just don't delete me!

Ed said...

Yay! I'm Finnish! Blog Comment Deletion Immunity is mine. It's almost like having a Super Power. Tomorrow, th(DELETED!)

Snad said...

I'm super lucky! I get to annoy you in person!

Dale said...

What happens to people who point out you have a lot of rules?

D. Debil said...

he deletes their comments. watch this one go.

Scott J. said...

Typical liberal deletist attitude. (Get it? "deletist"? Huh? huh? I kill me.)

Like my Mom used to say, "commentors should be seen and not heard." Or was it "stop touching yourself"...?

Regardless, I think your comment policy should be posted in public places. The 10 Commandments aren't doing anybody any good, we might as well at least try keep the blogosphere tidy, right?

Katie Schwartz said...

At least I know if my comment ever annoys you, you won't break up with me entirely. I appreciate the pass, my simian stud muffin.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

As a Canadian woman, I now have this overwhelming urge to say FUCK YOU, MONKEY! But I think I'll save that card for when I really need it.

Mel said...

Your blog, your policy ;)

Odile said...

We love you too Dr. :P.
We are free to write, but manners are very important.

Freida Bee said...

But, I really do know how to enhance your sexual performance, Dr. Monkeyspank.

(I have just assumed you have deleted every comment I've ever left here and have been depressed about it for years.)

Johnny Yen said...

I especially love the cretins who leave snide comments but don't have blogs of their own. I immediately delete their idiotic comments with a clear conscience.

Chris said...

Does anyone know who secret dubai is?

Sorry, couldn't resist!

dguzman said...

I love you too much to ever get deleted.

MommyLisa said...

What about hot Norwegian chicks from Minne-snow-ta? Do we get a free pass or two?? *wink wink*

ReRe said...

these cracked me up ;)

junie said...

i wonder if anybody other than me was crazy enough to ask the comment policy in person when they first met you. or was i prescient in knowing you would have a strict one.