Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes we did!

My thoughts are all over the place this morning as I bask in Barack Obama's historic victory. I've said it here many times and I'm going to say it again, Obama was not my first choice to be the Democratic party's nominee, but in the end he was the best choice. No other person in the Democratic party but Obama could have ignited the passion of so many people.
I never thought we'd ever see an African American man be elected President in my lifetime. I thought that we as a country were too small to get past skin color and that we'd keep electing white guys until well after I was dead. But this man Barack Obama changed all that and I'm proud to say that I voted for him and I hope do so again in four years.With his election and the gains the Democrats are making in the House and Senate races I'm on a high right now. I may not be able to sleep tonight but I could care less. This is a huge political win for us, for your kids, for blacks, for whites, for the whole world. I'm proud of my country for being the first western Democracy to elect a black man to it's highest office, especially this black man. I'm proud that we rejected the politics of fear, hatred, and division. I'm proud that McCain's shoddy 19th century campaign of vile smears, lies, distortions, and half truths was rejected and that we can all move on and begin to work to remove the stigma of the Bush years.

There's more I want to say about the campaign and this historical event and I'll get around to saying it in due time, but right now I mainly want to savor this win and to shout with all my might:

Congratulations President-elect Obama! Thank you for restoring my faith in my country!


John Shuck said...

Restoring faith in our country. That is exactly it...

Mnmom said...

I thinking everything you said.
Congratulations to all of us!!!
And best freakin wishes to the Obama family!

Karen Zipdrive said...

Amen, brother.

And did you notice how Obama stayed totally measured and serene during his victory speech?
The man has the most admirable temperament of any politician I've ever seen.
I'm not even sure anymore what "acting presidential" means, but if I had to define it, he's the one I'd choose.
I bet Osama bin Laden is crapping in his burka tonight. I think one of Obama's first acts as president will be to hunt him down and... KABOOM!
Now that Saudi Arabia no longer owns the President, look out mofos!

Mauigirl said...

Very well said, Dr. M. It's a wonderful day for America and I'm still amazed it all went so well.

Sparkleneely said...

beyond thrilled. this has been a glorious, glorious day. I love drinking champagne on a Tuesday, and I love our new president and the promise of true progress even more.



Jess Wundrun said...

I wish I could type YAY in 124 pt. in comments.

still. YAY!

Gifted Typist said...

And for restore the world's faith in your country

dguzman said...

Thank you, America, for finally growing up! For the first time in so very long--too too long--I'm proud to be an American.

Miss Alex said...

All I can say is I'm just as moved as you are. Just as moved. I've never understood pride toi be an American. Never. Last night showed me. i'm still on a high.

K.Line said...

Amen Monkey! It's been a long time since I've felt proud to be an American.

Missy said...


I am so excited!

I have no children at this point, but I told my husband in the car this morning, "If we ever do have kids, they will NEVER know a world without Obama and without a person of color holding the highest office in the land- much like I have never known a world where women and people of color could not vote. So fantastic!

Ubermilf said...

It does feel like America again.

D. Prince said...

I'm so happy for all of my American neighbours and for us in Canada too! I'm still wiping tears of joy.

Joe said...

It's a happy morning isn't it?

BeckEye said...

Last night was truly an experience. I've never seen people so connected and excited over a president. This must be what the '60s were like! I danced in the streets of Harlem like a damn, dirty hippie!

I do have to give it to John McCain for giving a very nice speech. I think that's the real him. I felt a little bad for him because, even though he's out of touch, he's not a bad guy.

Life As I Know It Now said...

YAY! I'm sure the entire world is heaving a huge sigh of relief as well.

Claire said...

YAY! He wasn't my first choice either, but I was more and more excited as the election drew closer, and I'm THRILLED that he won. About effing time.

barbie2be said...

did anyone else sob with joy when O gave his speech? i am so thrilled and excited. and proud again, FINALLY, to be an american.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Remember the good old days, when you folks all wanted to move up here to Canada? The shoe is really on the other foot now. Looking for my green card as we speak.

Dean Wormer said...

Well said.

America has been away for a while but it's back.

I would've loved to have been one of those guys at thw white house last night singing the national anthem.

C.J. said...

I have never been so proud to be an American!

Elizabeth said...

This is my favorite Monkey post ever.

I'm sorry I'm two days late to your party, Monkey. I was so caught up in election fizz that it's taking me this long to catch up.

Hooray for Obama.