Saturday, November 1, 2008

Where have all the kids gone?

Number of bags of candy bought: 4

Number of pumpkins put out: 2

Number of porch lights left on: 2

Number of black witch hats worn by me during the hours of 6:45PM until 8:30 PM: 1

Number of times I had trick or treaters come to our door: 1

Seriously kids, where the fuck were you? Our old condo was on top of a hill and it was in the back of the condo complex and that's why we didn't have any trick or treaters for the past ten years. Last night, after moving to a more residential neighborhood near a school deeper in the city we got two fucking trick or treaters. What gives? Do kids trick or treat any more?

I may seem like a cranky old man who pant's come up to my chest but in real life I actually like kids, I have a soft spot for the little bastards, and that's why I'm pissed we didn't get to give much of this candy away or see any good costumes. Hey kids, would it have killed you to turn off the X Box 360 and put togetther a costume and come by our house so we could give you treats? Hell, I turned off my X Box 360 for you, so why couldn't you return the favor?

Listen up you little freaks, we'll try this again next year but if the turn out on your part is the same then you can kiss Halloween at the Monkey House goodbye.


Karen said...

Hopefully they were all accompanying their parents at the voting booths in order to learn all about the electoral process and because the lines were soooooo long due to all the Obama supporters getting out there and VOTING (wooooo hooo!), they didn't have time to trick or treat?

Karen said...

If my thought is true, then I'm hoping the two kids you DID get were McCain supporters who were so overconfident they didn't bother to vote early.

Joe said...

Kids don't trick or treat as much. More and more communities discourage it, or limit trick or treating to daylight hours (which is ridiculous--kids get out of school at 3 and it's dark at 5). Many parents are afraid to let their kids trick or treat.

It's very sad.

Now, on a bright note, this year we actually had more trick or treaters than ever before: about 8 or 9. The last few years we've just basically had the neighbor kids on either side of us.

bugbear said...

We live in a neighborhood with loads of young kids...however, the local southern baptist church did its best to squash the idea of halloween and put on a competing 'fun night' complete with over-loud karyoke christian-type song singing.

Most of the residents are members of this black-hole-for-brains and didn't put out pumpkins, leave on porch lights, or decorate. We walked 3 kids through our neighborhood with only 6 houses out of 100 or so decorated or giving out candy. Lots of folks we met on the street were sad, saying this had been one of the most fun communities for their kids to trick-or-treat in, in the past.

Dr Zibbs said...

We were low as well.

Anonymous said...

I was going to write the same post. Between the local talibangelicals trying to frighten kids out of the Halloween Spirit, and the people too afraid of everything to let their kids out the door, Halloween around here is dead. Six knocks on the door, with about a total of twelve kids.

Tanya Espanya said...

I usually go to my sister's house about a block away, and this year there 26 kids. And this is a kid rich neighbourhood.

I think one reason it's different from when I was younger is that now you can get candy all the time. There never used to be the mini chocolate bars year round, right? No? Just me?

And what about cartoons? Only on Saturdays before but now there's 24 hour cartoons...24 hour everything I guess...

boy, I also sound like an old man with my pants at my armpits...

" my day, we had to walk to school uphill both ways in the snow..."

I'm done now.

Life As I Know It Now said...

We never have kids stop by. I buy candy just in case but we end up eating it ourselves which is really bad. Better luck next year. And thanks for the snazzy post card!

Snad said...

They were all on the Tree Streets, Monkey!

We spent $80 on candy and it was pretty much gone by 8 PM. There were hundreds of kids! Next year, leave your lights off and come over to da brudda's and hand out with us. Add your 4 bags to the mix and we'll sit on the porch scaring the little shits till 9!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

We've got about 75 kids living on our street, yet we only had about 35 come to the door last night. WHAT DID THEY DO WITH THE OTHER KIDS?

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Okay, I'm clearly cranky AND old because I found the kids a bit annoying. For the record, I don't have kids.

I did have a number of trick or treaters (although like the rest of you, not as many as in the past) and was surprised at their rudeness. Despite the fact that I'm very generous and give the kids HUGE handfuls of candy (to get rid of it all) (a) some kids asked for MORE, (b) no one said "trick or treat" and (c) no one said "thank you."

I decided I was done about 7 (and turned off all outside lights and any inside lights that could be seen from the street) because the kids pretty much stopped at 6. Around 8pm, my doorbell rang. I peered out my kitchen window to see who was there. I saw 3 individuals who must have been close to 6 feet tall with full head-covering masks. Without opening the window, I told them that they were too old to trick or treat and I wasn't answering my door (disclaimer: I'm a single woman living alone. Personal safety is more important than pissing off trick or treaters). The guy told me they had kids. So I said "show me the kids" and then he told me I was mean.

Mnmom said...

We didn't have as many this year either, but I still go all out for Halloween:
Handfuls of candy
5 or 6 carved pumpkins
Lots of other decor
A boombox playing a CD of scary sounds and music

This year I added a new twist: if any kids seemed to be over the age of 12 I made them sing Christmas Carols before the candy.

Elizabeth said...

Monkey, we call that "pants up to the chest" thing "Mertzing." I'm sure you get what I mean.

We didn't get a SINGLE trick-or-treater last night, and Mr.OM and I were saddened by it.

I'm so sorry!

Some Guy said...

We had a lot less than usual. I think it's because Halloween is now viewed as some sort of "Marxist" holiday with all the spreading the wealth (candy) and what-not.

Anonymous said...

With all the perverts and psychos roaming around, parents are reluctant to let their kids knock on strangers' doors and beg for candy, so they have parties instead. Those that are out trick or treating are undisciplined hooligans, so count yourself lucky.

K.Line said...

Halloween is very popular in our neighbourhood, but not on our street. So, this year, cuz M got invited to T&T at a friend's house, we opted to turn off the pumpkins and go out for dinner. Reservation was possible at last minute because everyone was doing Halloween! I don't feel guilty. Enough of putting all the effort in for 10 kids. And 3 streets over it was kiddie chaos!

D. Debil said...

We had a million of them. Have you reviewed your status vis-a-vis any official offender database recently?


Gifted Typist said...

Someone stole the little witches and goblins here too...

MommyLisa said...

I gave up after three years of sitting here with my witch hat on. We even put PUMPKIN strings of lights in our trees and never more than six measley trick-or-treaters. And at least two were teenagers just wearing a sheet and face painting.


We did our part with Boo boo this year. Look for photos and see video on YouTube. Booger Pizzabuns is my name there. If I do say so myself, the costume was ADORABLE>
