Friday, November 14, 2008

By all means keep doing what you're doing

The right wingers are just beside themselves these days what with a black man being our President elect and bigger Democratic party majorities in the Congress. And I couldn't be happier. There's plenty of blame to go around for their losses and as usual there's plenty of bat shit crazy to go around when it comes to their thinking of how they can hijack the country once again.

I'm praying to the dark gods that spawned me that they keep the same people in power who led them to their current place. I'd love to see that fish faced prig from Kentucky Mitch McConnell stay the leader of the Republicans in the Senate and that conservative douche/gas bag Jim Boner stay in charge of the House Republicans. They poisoned the minds of many voters in the past two years with their obstructionist ways and the people rewarded them in kind. So hell yes, keep on listening to those two grinning baying jackals you Republicans, and while you're at it, find a few more like these two to lead your party in Congress long after they die.

Please right wingers, could you also keep listening to your media pundits? Laura Inghram is spot on when she says that you need to stop being moderates and go back to being even more conservative. Yes please! Do that! Follow Miss Laura and that pretty hateful little can of bile that is Michelle Malkin. Those two really know what they are talking about when they say that you've got to move further to the right, after all they're rich and somewhat famous, so in the minds of your party they are super in touch with what the people in the heartland and the fly over states want. Yes! Michelle, Coultergiest, and Laura all know that the people who live out here in the real America want more more more tax breaks for business and millionaires. They just know that we want to stay at war forever and ever and that we all hate gay and lesbian people. Heck yes, these three have their heads planted firmly up their asses so please oh pretty please keep on listening to them.

And don't forget your terrible trio of male pundits, Rush, Rove, and Bill Kristol, who need to be kept on and left to blather their nonsense at all costs. All three got everything wrong. All three are helping kill any chance you once had at a permanent Republican majority. All three offer nothing but failed policies and division, so yes please, keep all three and give them more air time! Give them each their own TV show!! Hell, give them their own freakin' TV channel!!!

Don't forget not to kick those religious nut bags like Dobson, Rick Warren, and Pat Robertson out of your party as well. You need to stay in bed with those people just like you've done for the past 30 years. They really know what they're talking about when they say that Jesus hates teh gay, lazy people, and the poor and that only rich white folk are going to heaven. Forgiveness? Not so much. Hatred and demonizing of any one who isn't one of them, hell yeah! Shoot yeah, you keep those nut bags in your Grand Old Party forever because they give the Christian religion such a good name!

Oh yeah, let's not forget your pretty new fairy princess Sarah Palin. Please, oh, pretty please make her the head of your party. She's just what you guys need. It's time for someone who rose to power by swimming in the corrupt murky waters that are Alaska politics to lead you. It's time for an intellectual lightweight who can't speak in complete sentences to be your standard bearer. Yes, by all means give the reins of power to a person who has led only a tiny town and the least populous state in the union. Yes, oh yes, let someone who wears her badge of ignorance proudly lead your party... straight off the cliff.

While I'm on the subject of Sarah Palin let's get a few things straight:
  • It's not sexist to accuse her of being unintelligent because she is pretty dumb, she thinks the world is only 6000 years old and that her god put everything where you see it today.
  • It's not sexist to bring up the fact that the RNC spent god knows how much money on her wardrobe while they preached fiscal responsibility for the rest of us.
  • It's not sexist to say that she appeals to the worst elements of the Republican base and that her job in the McCain campaign was to look pretty and be the attack dog at the same time.
  • It's not sexist to point out she has no idea what freedom of speech is and what Vice President's job is.
  • It's entirely fair to demand to know about the associations of her and her husband with people who hate this country. Her husband after all was in a political party that wants Alaska to secede from our union.

So hells yeah Republicans, keep doing what you're doing because it's working for me and millions of other liberals and progressives like me. Keep going to the right, keep on listening to rich people who "know" what we working class schlubs want, and stop that centerist shit this instant. If you don't stop it, then a couple of guys who dodged the draft during the Vietnam war, Ted Nugent and Dick Cheney, will shoot you in the face.


Claire said...

I would also suggest that Mr. Limbaugh continue to refer to the "Obama Recession" because THAT doesn't make him sound ridiculous AT ALL.

Some Guy said...

It's all crashing down on top of them isn't it?

Megan said...

Lovely, lovely words, sir.

Wandering Coyote said...

I love your rants, especially this one.

Unknown said...

Is saying Sarah Palin would look exactly like Peggy Hill if she cut her hair sexist?

Mnmom said...

Oh, yes, I so wholeheartedly agree - keep it up - please!!!!!

Madam Z said...

Gee, Dr. are one Passionate Primate! Let's hope those far right lemmings take your advice and keep moving farther right, until they fall right off the cliff.

Ed said...

It sure is fun watching the republicans implode. Let's hope they keep it up. I didn't know Ted Nugent was a draft dodger. Why am I not surprised?

HVClair said...

Long Live the Monkey King! The Emperors have no clothes.

Now is the time to plan for Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Rumsfeld's transfer to Leavenworth.

Distributorcap said...

oh dr m - you hit the nail on the head -- watching the circular firing squad and the crashing sounds.....

these people are clueless and are getting more clueless -- and whether they like it or not -- idiot Palin is going to become their de facto leader because the horny men in the MSM want her to be.....