Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Monkey Muck exclusive

I have managed to scoop the entire world, I obtained the notes Bush McCain made at last night's debate. His hand writing is a little messy but most of you will be able to read what was going through the old fart's mind during the debate. I now present the notes without any editing whatsoever:

Now we know why the old coot is so angry, he hasn't had a good dump in long time.

Hang in there America, the end is finally in sight and election day is coming in a few weeks. If any of you can vote early, then I'd advise you to do so because I think lines on election day are going to be long. I'll be voting this Thursday or Friday because early voting opened here in Washington County today.


Missy said...

This explains so much and makes so much sense.

Great work!

Mnmom said...

I suspected as much. Wonder if he got Matlock or not? Probably had to settle for Murder She Wrote.

dguzman said...

Or maybe Golden Girls. He probably hates those bitches.

Blueberry said...

Did anyone notice that McCain blinks his eyes about twice per second? I thought Sarah Palin claimed that she and John don't blink. FALSE! She blinks too, but just does it once at the end and only with one eye (not counting eyelash fluttering).

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Congrats Dr. Monkey on the exclusive! I'm so impressed!

Snad said...

That's brilliant. It gives me an idea: everyone not willing to vote for McCain should send him a packet of Ex-Lax. It may help him survive the election night fall-out he seems to be headed for.

Mnmom said...

I must have missed that moment last night. Where DID that photo come from?

themom said...

Now that's an exclusive I like to see. As soon as he sat his wrinkly butt down, he started with the sharpie!! Damn - the man needs to pick up his litttle blue pills and go back to the desert with Cindy Lou!

Elizabeth said...

That's the best laugh I've had all week.

Chris said...

Watch out, the FBI will be all over you like that kid from UT who hacked Palin's personal account.

But brilliant investigative work! :)