Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let's give credit where credit is due

I've noticed on some of the more angrier right wing blogs, and I'm sad to say on a few progressive blogs as well, that people are claiming that if the economy wasn't tanking that McCain and Obama would be in a dead heat or that McCain would be winning.
To steal a phrase from a grumpy old fart, my friends, that theory is bullshit. If the economy wasn't tanking the hatred of the endless war in Iraq would be more of an issue, the lack of health care for all Americans would be a bigger issue, the reckless frat boy foreign policy of Bush Jr. would be a bigger issue, the ever widening gap between the haves and the have nots would be a bigger issue, as would the privatization of essential governmental services and the insidious and ever growing influence of corporations in our lives. People have finally learned that you can't let men and women who say they hate government run government.

People have had it with conservatives, the Bush crime family, and with the sanctimonious morally bankrupt religious prigs that the Republican party has become. American politics runs in cycles, take an objective look at the history of our political system and you'll see it, and the cycle of deregulation at all costs, and of conservative Republican rule has come to an end.

And because these two greedy bloodthirsty war criminals are in charge of the Republican party, their reign ends with a whimper, not with a bang.


1138 said...

"if the economy wasn't tanking"

Well, we could play ifs all day long.
If Bush weren't the incumbent...
If 9/11 hadn't happened...
If the US hadn't invaded Iraq...
If Katrina hadn't destroyed the southern US gulf...
If Bills never had to be paid...
If you could eat your lawn and grow money in your bath tub...

If If If If....

Things are what they are and the Republicans have been the party in power and the agenda has been deregulation/Trickle Down/Open Markets/Free Trade.
It Didn't work and there aren't any if's about it.
there's only fixing it and the folks that did it, won't admit it, cannot be the ones to fix it.
So if that puts Obama on top, it puts Obama on top.
McCain and the Republicans deserve a serious "time out" at the least, and banishment at most reasonable.

As one rightwing pundit said on the radio this morning, the Republican party has earned the punishment they will get in this and coming elections.

No ifs.

themom said...

....and to think the Republican National Committee has Jeb Bush in the wings, just waiting for 2012! Scary thought, huh?

Snad said...

Hear, hear, Monkey!

Anonymous said...

That's sort of what most of us up here thought, too, but we seem to have been wrong. Sigh...

Ubermilf said...

Maybe that comment was less about the quality of republican leaders, and more about the crass self-interest of the American people.

Bridget Jones said...

*groan* politics!!!! POliticians!!!

Anonymous said...


Republicans have played out their hand.

SadButTrue said...

I was thoroughly unimpressed by Obama's position on health care, but then again I'm Canadian so my expectations are a lot higher. Basically I saw it as a promise to have government subsidize your insurance premiums, which is still not going to help a lot of people. If you have any chance of a workable system you have to eliminate the involvement of the parasitic insurance companies and HMOs altogether. They add layers of administrative costs, and that money would be better spent on doctors, nurses, hospitals, drugs, and equipment.

On the rest of it, Go-'Bama!

Unconventional Conventionist said...

The latest polls I've heard about have moved from 80% Amrica-in-wrong-direction to somewhere around 90%.

They got these 10 more points in the wrong direction DURING the whole Wall Street bullshit, so, I believe your theory is entirely correct.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, themom, you spoke my years-old fear. I've been steeling myself against the idea of Jeb. I can't bear it! No more Bush family members!

Dr Zibbs said...

Is it true we've got a birthday boy over her?

dguzman said...

Thank you for pointing this out!

And not only is Jeb waiting in the wings. Haven't you noticed how many times Rick "Man on dog sex" Santorum has been on Faux Noise lately, representing the repug point of view? *shudder*

Suzy said...

One thing that has surprised me is the failure of many pundits to connect the dots between the endless war in Iraq and the tanking economy. It seems to me there is a pretty clear link.