Thursday, October 30, 2008

The first few million of the bailout money has hit the banks

And corporate America knows exactly what to do with it.


pissed off patricia said...

Take the money and run?

I heard this morning that some of it will be paid out to share holders in the form of dividends. I didn't think it was supposed to go for things like that.

Matthew Hubbard said...

Okay, it's a casino with a blackboard? There's a French lesson and a picture of Washington.

Oh, now I get it! It's the teacher's lounge at school! No wonder we were never allowed to enter.

Elizabeth said...

Spend, spend spend?

shrink on the couch said...

No doubt.

dguzman said...

They've already been spending it on spa weekends; why not gambling? I'm sure it'll all trickle down to us eventually.