Anyhoo, I have no idea how long Rachel, that's her name by the way and I'm not comprising her privacy because that's the name she comments under, has been reading my blog but she finally got the nerve up to leave a comment. She left a nasty little comment on the post I did where I answered Katie's questions for Obama supporters. Don't bother going to find her comment because I deleted it where she left it but I saved it so I could show you all just the nasty sort of person young Rachel is and also so I could make one last stab at educating her about Libertarians, Ron Paul, and how things work in our political system. And it's only fitting that her first comment be immortalized in a post since I'll not let her leave any more of her nasty ill tempered comments on my blog, and no Rachel, I am not censoring you. You are free to write anything you wish on any blog you may have or you can write what you like in a love letter to Ron Paul and tell him what a bad man I am for not supporting him. You see hon, this is my blog and I won't allow anyone who is insulting to me or my readers and commenters to leave comments on here. Everyone gets one shot at commenting and if you are insulting or you try to evangelize for one of those stone age religions on here you will find your future comments deleted as soon as I see them. You have the freedom to write whatever you like elsewhere and I have the freedom to ignore your juvenile ramblings.
Okay then, you ready Rachel? Because I'm raring to dip into your comment and teach you a thing or two, so here we go. Here's Rachel's comment as she wrote it and I have not edited it at all:
I might feel more comfortable commenting on your blog if I let you know beforehand that I have big, luscious boobs. Thanks for being honest about your position. I haven't read all the way through it, but based on your comments from Shuck and Jive I must say that you are a complete moron if you think that an Obama/Biden ticket will save our country. But let me guess, you don't give a rat's ass about our country as long as you are getting a free ride.
Wow. Rachel's a bit angry isn't she? She doesn't like me for some reason. And why would that be? Hmmmmm, I'd say it's because I disagree with her and because I have not drunk the Ron Paul Kool Aid like she has. But enough about her little hissy fit, it's time to use this as a "teachable moment" as I go through her comment bit by bit and break it down for her.
1) I might feel more comfortable commenting on your blog if I let you know beforehand that I have big, luscious boobs.
Okay, first of all don't flatter yourself Rachel, I'm not interested in you and what ever size your tits are. It's not the size of a woman's tits that interest me, it's the size of her brain. Any trailer park skank can have big boobs but that doesn't mean I want to get all up in her. I'd take a flat chested woman with a high IQ over a big boobed brainless bimbo any day or night of the week. And I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm spoken for, so you'll have to save that sweet talk about your breast size for someone who gives a damn.
2) Thanks for being honest about your position.
You're welcome. I try to be honest at all times. Honesty is the best policy after all.
3) I haven't read all the way through it, but based on your comments from Shuck and Jive I must say that you are a complete moron if you think that an Obama/Biden ticket will save our country.
It's nice to know that you make decisions about people you don't know based on things you haven't read and from comments on someone else's blog. That's big of you and I appreciate how you tossed me into the moron category because you disagree with my politics. That's ever so smart of you, and by the way it's the same thing that Republicans like Lee Atwater, Charles Colson, and Karl Rove have been doing for the last 40 years and it's one of the reasons why our political discourse has gone to shit, but since you support a Republican I see you've learned your party's tactics well. Bravo.
I suppose you think that Ron Paul is the only one to change the course of this country and that only through Libertarian politics can we all be saved. Hmmm, I not only know that's false, I know it's the biggest crock of shit to ever to hit the political scene in America. I saw where you wrote in the comments section of Rev. Shuck's blog that only Ron Paul would clean corporate money out of the political process and I must tell you sugar that I really had a good laugh over that little joke of yours. You see Rachel, Libertarians don't want to clean up anything corporations do, they want to let corporations do whatever they want and let the free market regulate them. The past few days, and really if your honest with yourself you'll include the past 40 years, have taught us is that corporations will never police themselves, they will do what ever they can get away with to make money. Libertarian political philosophy says that the only role government has is to provide national defense. That's it. That's all. Libertarians don't want the government to have anything to do with building roads, policing, putting out fires, building schools, printing money, collecting taxes, administering programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and providing any sort of regulation whatsoever. And who do Libertarians say is going to provide those essential services that the government will no longer provide? Why it's going to be corporations of course! Big business will step in with no regulation by the government at all and they'll provide trash pick up, bridge building, teaching your kids, and all that other stuff. And guess what Rachel? Libertarians believe that people will then only get the services they are willing to pay for. So knowing all that, please tell me how Ron Paul and the Libertarians will clean corporate money out of our political system? And when you get done telling me all that tell me how Ron Paul is going to lead us out of the current mess that Bush and McCain and Ron Paul himself have created? How are the people who championed deregulation at all costs, the very same deregulation that is killing our country today, going to save our country? How is turning over every governmental activity to big business going to solve the problems we face today?
The problem with Ron Paul and Libertarians is that they shirk the solutions to solving our most pressing problems. They claim that by abolishing the IRS and the corrupt government that somehow we'll all live happily ever after in a dog eat dog world where big business is not only unregulated, it runs the very programs they want to stop funding.
And finally Rachel, just because I don't subscribe to your 17th century view of what the federal government should and shouldn't do doesn't mean I don't give a rat's ass about my country. I love my country so much that I took to the streets to protest the immoral war for oil and for big business that we're waging. I care so much about my contry that I get out and vote and I encourage others to do the same. And I love my country so much that I took an hour of my time to try to educate a hick like you about the political movement that her idol champions.
Don't waste your time leaving me any comments to this post Rachel, I'll only delete them without even reading them. You can respond on your blog if you have one and if you do respond I won't bother to read it.
Interesting. I have a commenter I have tried to "educate". Unfortunately they did not threaten me with their big boobs. No such luck. Just a semi clueless old fart who has the same "assumption" problem young Rachel has. That since I am not on their bus, I am a flag spitter, a God Hater, and I keep a Bed n Breakfast for any terrorists who might come by. I am almost at the point of cutting off any interaction with this guy. But it is fun shooting holes in such a large target. Or maybe I am just a little bit into S&M. Who knows what dark secrets hang inside of the brain of a God hatin, flag spittin, Bin laden fan?
And another thing, mrm - you've got a beard, just like Osama. Hmmmmmm. When is checkout time at this terrorist Travel Inn of yours?
Bed and Breakfast for Terrorists. Now there's a business!
Frankly, I had a good laugh over all the tit talk and so early in the morning. I deleted a few comments on my blog awhile ago and then got harrassed for sensoring an idiot I didn't even want there in the first place.
I'm just having a really hard time wrapping my brain around this election. There's only sane choice! What is it going to take for people to wake up?
Mind you, I'm a Canadian and a hoser at that so maybe I just don't understand.
Personally I like a woman with big ideas.
You don't often see an angry commenter lead with their boobs.
Really - you don't see those who disagree mention their boobs much at ALL. It is a shame, but mine are probably bigger and lusher. ;)
And I still have my high IQ to fall back on.
Yeah Monkey - let's drink some kool-aid of the Muck!
SNAD! Cracks me up again!
I know that large breasts are a big priority in any election. I want to know who the biggest boob is before I vote!!
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