Monday, September 15, 2008

The chickens, they have come home to roost

For the past 30 years the Republicans have been hell bent on deregulating everything from the pharmaceutical industry to mining to banking and look what it's gotten us, untold deaths from drugs that have rushed to market too soon, mine collapses, and now the imminent collapse of jeebus knows how many Wall Street banks. Golly gee whiz, it looks like those old radical "socialists" led by FDR in the 1930's knew just exactly what they were doing when they enacted all those laws that prevented this type of shit for 40 years until people who look this
decided they weren't making enough money and that all businesses and industries had to be deregulated.

With more government bail outs of Wall Street banks coming I wonder when us poor and working class people can get some of that government welfare money. If you ask me it's people like us who need bailing out more than the greedy bastards on Wall Street do. The Merrill Lynch has done pretty well for long enough. Lehman Bros. made a ton of money while people like us got laid off. E. F. Hutton spoke and we all listened to them make money hand over fist while you and me and every one who didn't make over $100,000 a year got shafted. It's time we roll up our sleeves, put on our American hats,

and put back into place the laws that reigned in the Wall Street greed junkies and the blood sucking bankers that have preyed on us for too long. The Christian church used to be against all types of usury and unethical business dealings, maybe once all their followers get shafted out of their pay checks by Republican business practices and they can't donate money then they'll wise up and they'll start speaking out against the conservative Republican free market business practices and policies that have gotten us into so much trouble.

Personally though, I hope this latest money crisis ripples through the country like a tsunami so that it wakes people up to the damage that the Republicans and their compliant enablers, most of the Democrats in Congress, have done to our country. Maybe if enough people get hurt by this latest financial chicanery then we can all wise up and we can put some sensible regulation back on banks and big business.


Karen said...

Oh my god. We soooooo had one of those hats (although ours was blue with Labatt's cans) when I was a kid.

Republicans suck.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

The answer to Ronald Reagan's famous question is "No, I am NOT better off than I was 8 years ago."

Obama needs to ask at every rally and in every speech he gives for the next 50 days "Are you better off today than you were 8 years ago?" Hammer this home.

The guy who mows my lawn (his kid used to do it, but his kid has decided he's too good to do it and got a "real" summer job, but the 50 year old dad got laid off from his manufacturing job and has taken up mowing all the lawns his kid did the last few summers) is a staunch Republican. He voted for Bush 2x and hated Clinton with a vengence. He told me he won't vote for McCain because of this hell Bush has created. He's voting for Obama.

Claire said...

I don't want to see anyone hurt by this, other than the greedy bankers and executives who caused it (they can't lose their houses in the Hamptons fast enough), but you're absolutely right about the need for more and not less regulation.

Ubermilf said...

This is why I ball my tiny, insignificant fists in frustration when I hear how "the government" should "stay out of business" and how things should be privatized because "business is so much more efficient than government."

Yeah, efficient at concentrating wealth in the hands of a few tyrannical bullies at the top and impoverishing the rest of the nation.

MommyLisa said...

Awesome. Including the hats! My grandma made a TON of those back in the 70's. Wish I still had one of them.


It is also the fault of people like this that people like Rachel Zoe have their own reality shows dedicated to excess spending of people who get paid for not doing much of anything at all!

pissed off patricia said...

Someone said this morning on tv that this financial crisis would move the country toward McCain because they would feel safer with him in office.

WTF? It was his fu*king party that lit the fire on this shit bomb. Why would we turn to him to clean it up?

MC said...

If I was Obama, I'd remind everyone of the last time the government had to bail out a lot of financial institutions (S and L scandal), and who got pinched during that time (McCain).

McCain likes using his past to buoy himself, but I think this is the perfect time for the S and L stuff to dirty him up.

Anonymous said...

I heard the same thing PoP. I think it was Chuck Todd on MSNBC. I was floored by that.

More bad Republican policy? No!!!!!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Well you can rest assured that this will actually blast across the entire world instead of just rippling through your country.

It's time to start over, from the ground up.

dguzman said...

UGH! PoP, the media must obviously be getting their cut of these bloodsuckers' millions, because they keep saying stupid shit like that.

Is there any hope at all? I swear, we all need to keep in touch in case McAlaska wins; then we can pool our meager pennies, build a raft, and sail someplace else and beg for refugee status.

DivaJood said...

In his first Inaugural, FDR addressed the reasons we got into the Great Depression: leaders who lacked vision, leaders who were driven by greed. Deja Vu all over again. Since Reagan was elected, the move backward has been relentless.

We are at the brink of a second great collapse, driven by greed. The NeoCons lack vision; they cannot see beyond their own wallets.

D. Debil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Great post, Dr. Von Monkerstein.

The MSM continues to piss on our legs and tell us it's raining. AT some point, they just won't be able to distract us any more. The MSM can tell us that McLame is the choice to fix this all they want but I don't think most people are going to buy it.

Anonymous said...

Yay money crisis. It's fun because I don't have any money, so I have none to lose

Katie Schwartz said...

FUCKIN-A, man. I couldn't agree with you more. I am TERRIFIED. Our economy is tanking hard. And where are we going to go if McCain and Palin win? How many of us can truly afford to remain in the US? I love this country. Watching it peel out the way it is and has been... Oy, it's too much. Worse, how can we financially afford it?