Saturday, August 2, 2008

The culprit

Site Meter is the culprit behind the Internet Explorer loading problems. They must have done an "upgrade" that didn't sit too well with Microsoft's shitty internet browser. Thankfully I saw the notice on Crooks and Liars and on Blue Gal's blog about it so I opened the Safari browser I downloaded months ago and took Site Meter off my blog.

This whole episode shows two things:
  1. Sitemeter sucks.
  2. Internet Explorer sucks beyond description.

Do yourself a favor and down load Safari, websites look crisper and clearer and things generally load faster on it as well. I can't recommend the other browser who's name I won't even mention because the last incarnation of it I used would delete my favorites periodically for no reason at all. Safari from Apple is by far the most superior of the three most commonly used web browsers.


MC said...

The weird thing is, I've been testing other people's sites today with IE 6, but they seem to be fine from my perspective (I normally use another browser, the one I believe you have chosen not to name).

Just took a look at my site on browsershots, and despite the fact that I have sitemeter, it looks like it is still showing up on IE as well (though I can't fully confirm that).

Matthew Hubbard said...

I love SiteMeter and I love FireFox.

IE... not so much.

GETkristiLOVE said...

I hate IE almost as much as I hate Winblows. I use both safari and firefox on my mac and Netscape on my PC. Anything to avoid IE...

Micgar said...

I had to take off Sitemeter to get my site to load. Now it's ok. I have Sitemeter back on. Still using IE! I am planning on getting Opera but I may try Safari. I kinda like Sitemeter-at least I understand it better and can use it more easily than Google Analytics.

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad to hear you solved the mystery. I hope thing stay calm at the Monkey House. Or lab. Or banana tree. Or whatever.

Life As I Know It Now said...

I have IE and Firefox and there are things I don't like about both of them. IE does some things better than Firefox and Firefox does some things better than IE--yet both of them suck as well for various reasons. I took sitemeter off my blog when I had to switch my blog over to the new format. I couldn't figure out how to load it back on and finally said fuck it, I didn't care. Actually I don't care too much for sitemeter either and I didn't miss it.

Anyway, glad your back on your blog !

Odile said...

Opera is find, but I prefer FireFox

Gifted Typist said...

I use and like Firefox
I also use and like Statcounter