Sure the craziest of the Clintonista's will be foaming at the mouth mad that he picked a man to run with him and the corporate media hacks who said Biden will be a good pick will now turn on him for making Biden his choice but what the hell, it's a solid pick and it shores up his perceived weakness on foreign policy, even though 99% of all national elections are decided on the domestic issues.
Let's move forward fellow liberals, fellow progressives, and fellow Americans and let's put these two in the White House so that we can stop Bush's third term.
I wonder which rightwinger will be the first to stretch the ticket from Obama-Biden to Obama-BiNLAden? I almost think Ann Coulter, although I suspect she's being kept quiet so she won't bitch about mcCan't. So, that makes me think that brazen bottle-blonde-wonderbra-shrike on Faux Noise - can't seem to come up with her name, though.
Snad, I say Malkin's probably writing it up as I comment.
Monkey, you're right about economics. I'm thinking that choosing Biden neutralizes the foreign policy debate and that allows Obama a free hand to win on the economy.
I saw excellent choice! Now on to the White House and all the Federal Depts and positions being assaulted by the neocons. Let's take our country back and reestablish some DEMOCRACY!!!!!
I've been waiting all morning to see what you were going to say about this. I'm surprised at the pick, but in the end, my vote stays the same. Obama.
Go get 'em, boys. I can't wait for the debates.
Biden's gonna gnaw the fleshy mass off of McCain's face!
snad!!! OMG, I have a fundy rightwing stalker who emailed me a threat today saying EXACTLY THAT. They are going to use it. He said it was the apocolypse or something. Is that WHACK or WHAT??
bradda: LOL!! I can't wait for that... I hope Biden makes Grampaw McLame crap his depends.
helen -
Tell your fundy stalker that Obama has to get in line behind Prince Charles, Bush, the Pope, Madonna, Britney Spears, and Ronald McDonald. I know there are more, but I have seen the websites that "argue" each of these as perfect antichrist material.
It's a smart pick. I was wondering who he'd pick, but I think this Biden's a good one!
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