Saturday, August 2, 2008

My name is Dr. Monkey and I'm a vintage magazine addict

Have you ever driven by a store for years and years and said to yourself that one day you'd stop in and see what they had for sale at that store? Well today was the day that we stopped at "that" store. For us "that" store was an antique/flea market store just off Interstate 26 just outside of Erwin.

Let me tell you people, this joint is a wonderland of a store that's stuffed full of everything.
It's got all kinds of knick knacks, odd food items, junk, and most every kind of this and that ever made. But for me the best thing about it is it's got tons of vintage magazines and paperback books. But these aren't the usual vintage magazines that you find in stores like these, the usual being scores of Life, Look, Newsweek, and Time, no siree. I found a bin full of 1950's era Vogue magazines, two of which I bought.Is that not a wildly cool cover? We're going to frame it soon and hang it in our new place. The great old mags didn't stop at just Vogue, I also found a Punch magazine from 1953. It's chock full of great British cartoons and ads and I may end up framing that cover too.

Earlier in the day I bought these magazines at an antique store in Erwin for a dollar each:

I actually got three Argosy's. Two of the Log, which was a magazine put out by the Naval Academy.And finally I bought this copy of True.

These purchases would not have been so bad if I had not bought those vintage mags yesterday, which I blogged about here. I'm staying out of antique and thrift stores for the mext month. Maybe. I swear.


Elizabeth said...

Oh, why fight it? Especially when the payoff is so great! These magazines are superb. I love that illustration of Santa on a rocket. He and the moon have the same nose.

Anonymous said...

Is she looking for the log?

Freida Bee said...

Duros62- That's what I was wondering too. That's priceless, in a VISA- or is it Mastercard? kinda way, of course. It's good to get a historical perspective on things. It appears Congress has been corrupt for some time now. Who knew? I must find out where I can find me some vintage magazines, and how.

Swinebread said...

Hey, I guess the world was falling apart back then too

Whiskeymarie said...

I love, love, love old magazines- I buy them all the time. I can sit for hours and read them cover to cover, including the awesome ads.

dguzman said...

I love this stuff too, Monkey! Keep on scanning! And the ads are probably the best part.

I'm always amazed at the quality of the prose in older journalism pieces--it sounds so much more formal (and better) than what passes for journalism today.

If I went to that antique/flea market place, I'd never leave. Just look at those shelves, dripping with cool stuff!

libhom said...

Hi Dr. Monkey!