Sunday, August 3, 2008

I think we can all agree...

...that I'm the guy who put up a post with the title of "I think we can all agree..."

Oh and if you've ever wondered why I love Crooks and Liars so much, it's because of posts like this. And also because Blue Gal blogs there too.
(That's not actually Blue Gal in that photo but she reminds of her and I see that picture in my shopping cart every time I go to Ingle's Supermarket so I've begun to think BG is omnipresent.)


Barbara Bruederlin said...

There is nothing quite like having your likeness portrayed in a shopping cart to impart omnipresence upon one. Next step, godhood.

Ubermilf said...

re: the Crooks and Liars piece... my sister and I used to track the things Bush said, because he would telegraph his evil plans by DOING the opposite of what he had SAID a few months earlier.

But then, it made us too scared, angry and upset, so we stopped doing it. Too worrisome.

Freida Bee said...

She should be, to keep an eye on what the jackasses are doing and give them an appropriate, "Tssk. Tssk." The world would be a better place. And more panties.

Anonymous said...

Hey! When we see that cart at Ingles, we joke that she looks like Whiskey Marie. Boy how this blogging thing has reached into all parts of our lives.

dguzman said...

What a long national nightmare it's been, these eight years.

And hey--she does look like Blue Gal! And a little like Whiskey Marie, minus WM's costumes.