Monday, August 4, 2008

Let's try an experiment

The right wing is very good at disseminating their lies about Obama through email so I say let's take a page out of their books and come up with an outrageous email that left wing people can send out to their friends and to people on the right. Here's one that you can cut and paste:


This is amazing!

Did you know that when John McCain was a POW in Vietnam he spilled his guts under pressure? He claims that when asked to give the names of the men in his squadron he gave the Commies the names of the Green Bay Packers. But recently he said it was the Pittsburgh Steelers. Which is it? The Packers or the Steelers?

Or is this bigger than they will admit?

Sources in the military intelligence community say this could be a case of brainwashing. They claim that McCain could have been brainwashed into being a spy for the Vietnamese and their pals the Commies in Red China and that he'll deliver then all our state secrets as soon as he's sworn in. Think about it. It all makes sense. His backers in business and industry are already doing big business in China and they are now dependant on the Chinese government to keep their cost of doing business low and to supply them with a steady stream of workers. Big business then turns around and gives money to McCain. When, or should I say if, he takes the oath of office he'll be doing it on a Bible that's been made in China and then the floodgates will open and the Chinese will have free reign over not just our businesses but also our military, the CIA, the FBI, and everything else.

Spread the word that if we all want to keep America free we need to vote for Barack Obama and not for the tool of the Communists, John McCain.

Send this out to anybody and everybody and if you get it in your inbox then forward it along again. Let's see how far this will go and if the corporate media picks it up.


Dean Wormer said...

Great idea! Will do.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Too funny.

Elizabeth said...


I'm wondering if the Packers and the Steelers were all really spies?

Ed said...

Here's another right-wing technique we could learn from: Deny a lie and next thing you know, half the country thinks it's true. "To the best of my knowledge, the rumors regarding John McCain forcing children to watch as he sodomizes puppies and kittens are absolutely unsubstantiated."

Pilkey said...

Brilliantly subversive. You should include something along the lines "I checked this out at Snopes and it is true!" before sending it out.

Snad said...

I dunno. Seems we just let him continue to give interviews to junior correspondants in front of the dairy case at the local grocery while Obama fills arenas.

That really oughta do it. ANd we don't have to shower off the ick afterwards.