Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jaymar slacks, the pants that keep on giving


Wandering Coyote said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, have mercy!

Dr Zibbs said...

Very very classy

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I especially like how his shirt is tucked in completely flat with no bulges. It's almost like the shirt is a onesie unitard and he's got no boxers or briefs on. Come to think of it, where's his package?

Snad said...

The slacks that keeping on giving...
... me a headache
... me nightmares
... me the non-moving version of car-sickness

dguzman said...

Oh man. I'm so glad the 70s are gone.

Crayons said...

I'm having such a bad day today that no one has made me smile. But this has done the trick. I think I guffawed, I'm not sure. Thanks.

My dad had a pair of these, but white on white brocade.

Deepti said...

Wow. Just wow.

Elizabeth said...

DANG, themz sum highwasted pants.


Ed said...

I need some of those.

Suzy said...

Ed needs some of those ... NOT!

Dale said...

Oh man, I feel itchy just looking at that!