Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A gentle reminder

If the baby Jesus can forgive Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, Newt Gingrich, John McCain, Larry Craig, and David Vitter, and if he lets Jerry Falwell, and all those other bigoted hateful people, like the Catholic missionaries who forced Christianity on aboriginal peoples at the point of a sword, then I bet he forgives John Edwards too.

Oh, by the way Slappy, your comments only stay up as long as it takes me to notice them and then they go down. It's a shame that no one in the liberal/progressive blogoshpere reads your little rants so you have to resort to posting your inane comments on our blogs. As soon as I see you left one of your little invective comments here I don't even bother to read it, I just delete it as soon as I sign in. Feel free to write what you like on your blog and I'll feel free never to go there and read it. This is the USA after all and I have all the freedom in the world to ignore your blog.


Wandering Coyote said...

Slappy's back, eh? Sigh...It's never-ending, isn't it?

dguzman said...

Slappy--just seeing his name makes my stomach churn. He just brings negativity and the vomitous smell of neo-cons wherever he goes.

Elizabeth said...

I'm new to this whole Slappy phenomenon. I suppose it'll make my blood boil, too, at some point.

Micgar said...

Monkey-wonder if the MFer works? he seems to have endless time to spout the drivel he well, spouts!

Micgar said...

Monkey-wonder if the MFer works? he seems to have endless time to spout the drivel he well, spouts!

Anonymous said...

Who's Slappy? Does he post all sorts of links and regurgitate everything Lush Limpballs says? If so he might be the same troll/stalker that bugs me. Is his blog The (puke-worthy) Illustrated Conservative?