Saturday, August 2, 2008

From the You Know It Had To Be A Man Who Came Up With It Department

If you ever thought I was a sexist pig, then you were wrong. I'm a saint compared to the person who designed this ad.


Wandering Coyote said...

The French reads, "I am like a fish in the water."

Hmmmmm...I don't get it, and it's a tad gross.

Freida Bee said...

That does it. I'm not swimmin' in France when I'm on my period.

Elizabeth said...

^^Wandering, I believe it is "I am like a fish out of water." "Sans" meaning "without," and colloquialized here.

Either way, it is a disgusting ad.

Wandering Coyote said...

Enc: Ah, I stand corrected.

Karen said...

Yep, darn disgusting.

Whiskeymarie said...

We had a TV ad similar to this a year or so ago. It was a Vagisil ad where the voice-over said something like "If you're feeling not so fresh" as pictures of a lobster, a fish and a few other smelly things popped up.

I believe that they pulled it almost immediately. Personally, I found it hilarious.

I've never thought you were a sexist pig. A funny monkey maybe, but never a pig.

Spirula said...

"If you're feeling not so fresh" as pictures of a lobster, a fish and a few other smelly things popped up.

I know the corporate world is male dominated, and that advertising caters to fears, but this add is especially irritating for its misogyny.

I mean, are you kidding? Is there any human smell that is more overwhelmingly repusive than male sweat-funk? It can peel the paint off walls. Men's locker rooms are legendary as olfactory bludgeons.

I've done a fair bit of backcountry hiking and camping and I can tell you, several days of my being "not so fresh" had me smelling like a skunk had crawled into my sleeping bag, shit, vomited and died. I couldn't even stand being around myself. I would often sit down-wind of the campfire in a hopes of masking the odor.

I never noticed any of my female companions having the slighest wiff of an unpleasant odor, only the smell of smoke and that distinct, charming odor of sun-baked hair.

Snad said...




dguzman said...

what the...


and I don't think you're an MCP (that's male chauvinist pig), Monkey. You're just a monkey.

Deepti said...

Hmm. That's just stupid.