Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's better than a woman with big hair?

A woman with big hair holding a baton.

You can see this photo and many other great photos from the 1968 edition of the ETSU Buccaneer by clicking here. I bit the bullet and bought a "Pro Account" on Flickr and I've added some other new sets as well. Look for many more photo sets coming in the days and weeks ahead.


Anonymous said...

That gal's got to be from Texas. Remember that old SNL when Sissy Spacek twirled the shit out of her baton? She said that's what everyone there did when they were kids.

Mnmom said...

Noo, it's a woman with big hair, holding a baton,wearing sequins, and a CROWN! Now THAT's better!!

Whiskeymarie said...

She looks like she's in pain.
Damn sequins, always chafing...

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think the crown is holding her hair in place like that.

Elizabeth said...

A woman with big hair holding a baton and feigning a smile despite being asphyxiated by hairspray fumes?

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said...

I should have realized that if I wanted a response, I had to address you properly.

Let's try this again.

Say Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein,

I've been wondering. Is that trailer in your banner/masthead/header/thingy your family estate? Or is it someone else's family estate?