Thursday, July 17, 2008

Vintage "It's not what you think" picture of the day

I found this gem in a kid's picture book entitled You Visit a Newspaper Television Station. You can see the rest of the pictures from that little book by clicking here.


Mnmom said...

Damn, did he get it caught in the vice clamps again??

Freida Bee said...

Now boy, this is a man's tool.

Elizabeth said...

It looks like that man is taking a waz, and the kid is looking on. Yech.

Dr Zibbs said...

You know that Dude's saying, "Billy this is what they're really supposed to look like" (tv antennaes that is)

Snad said...

What, exactly, is a "Newspaper Television Station"?

Missy said...

I am with snad.

and "Oh dear" was my other thought.

Anonymous said...

Ya, what IS a newspaper television station? Should there be a slash or a hypen between the two words,maybe meaning it’s a place that produces newspapers and tv shows? Or maybe some sort of kiosk where you can buy newspapers and televisions? Or deposit used newspapers and televisions? Or is “newspapers” the modifier of “television” or “station”, meaning either the television or the station is made of newspapers? Or both? Was this kids’ book written in the days before punctuation?

Joe said...

This looks creepily like the scene described in a case we worked where we arrested a high school shop teacher.

Anonymous said...

What's all the fuss about? It's just Dr. Dobson trying to keep his son from catching teh gay.