Friday, July 25, 2008

A tale of two candidates

Who's having a better week?
Sen. Obama draws over 200,000 people in a square in Germany and gives a speech for the ages.

Meanwhile Bush McCain spent the day shoring up his base and crusin' for some action.

Sen. Obama looked as Presidential as they come as he charmed our former allies in Europe and worked his way across the world.

Bush McCain just looked sad as he posed in front of a fudge store with a man who refuses to come out of the closet.

Yeah, I'd complain too if I was Bush McCain. Sen. Obama's poise, diplomatic demeanor, and rock star reception all over the world gave him an incredible edge this week, meanwhile Bush McCain's gaffes, clumsy attacks, and misstatements made him look like a doddering confused old man.

Couple this week's triumphant world tour with Obama's unprecedented fund raising, his commanding lead among Hispanics, and his grasp of the issues and boy howdy you've got one hell of a Democratic party candidate. If I was in the Republican party I'd be running scared right about now and I'd be praying to that non existent god of theirs who hates gays but loves fetuses and guns that their losses in November are as huge as some are predicting they'll be.


SamuraiFrog said...

My favorite part was McCain's statement that he would go over and talk to Germany AFTER he's elected president. It just seemed so typically vain and cavalier to me; our allies aren't worth taking the time to speak to unless they can help me personally. I've never seen a presidential candidate this callous about only caring about people as long as they're of use to him, not even Bush (he was just the village idiot in the campaign).

Little Merry Sunshine said...


My favorite part was a few seconds before that statement when he whined that "I'd LOVE to go over to Germany and give a policy speech . . . ". I thought he just sounded like that whiny.

I just don't understand this whole "Barack has zero foreign policy experience" coupled with "Barack is out of line for going abroad and giving speeches" thing. Of course it's not quite as bad as his whole "I'm the only one with foreign policy experience, yet I don't know the borders of Iraq, Iran and Pakistan and I'm unclear on what countries exist today vs. 15 years ago." Ya buddy, foreign policy is your strength.

McCain, UGH.

dguzman said...

I'm with Little Merry--the guy doesn't even know that there's no Czechoslovakia anymore (and hasn't been for like 15 years, dude!). Why doesn't ANYONE think he knows anything about foreign policy?

Snad said...

I love the fact that her stumbled and himmed and hawd just to get THAT much out of his mouldy old maw. McCain dynamics: FAIL.

Dean Wormer said...

But according to a FOX news survey Obama's European tour isn't helping at all.

Blueberry said...

Obama speaks before 200,000 in Germany.

McCain makes a brief statement about just having a schnitzel at Schmidt's Fudge Haus. Then he complains that he's not getting enough press coverage.

Westcoast Walker said...

What a great week! I am starting to feel a tad hopeful.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that the media is tripping over itself to tell us that the gap is closing between McCain and Obama.

Up next week: More McCain is a regular guy who also happens to be a WAR HERO and Obama/Osama? There's a difference

Free press, my ass.

Anonymous said...

I predict that after this election, McCain is going to pull a William Jennings Bryan.

Elizabeth said...

Poor old McCain; he's probably still reeling from the ladies' rebuffs on account of him being too old for them.

Distributorcap said...

i love how he dared obama to go overseas -=-- obama goes and then mccain whines that he shouldnt be going overseas

meanwhile mcsame talks to the folks in the cheese aisle - and joe scarborough says that is the REAL candidate

Life As I Know It Now said...

what I don't understand is hearing that the race is tightening up and Obama's lead is disapearing. how can that be? is diebold gonna step in again and select our leader for us?