Friday, July 25, 2008

For the last time let's do this once more

Warning this post contains spoilers. Do not read it if you have not seen the first two episodes of the new series of Project Runway.

Despite all their efforts to kill it before it moves to Lifetime, Bravo has begun running the latest installment of my favorite "reality" show, Project Runway. I'll do these wrap ups from time to time until the end of the series or until I get sick to death of them, whichever comes first.

After seeing the first two episodes I can safely say that I hate Suede. My chief reason for hating him is not because he refers to himself in the third person, it's because he refers to himself in the third person inconsistently, if you're going to do that shit then go all out and do it all the time Miss Suede. But no matter how much I hate him I recognize that he's got talent and he's going to be a source of "drama" so I'm betting they'll keep him until the end.

When they boot this talentless black hole of negativity I will sing and dance in the streets. Stella Ramone looks like a junkie, has an annoying New Yawk accent, has a piss poor attitude, and as much fashion talent as I do. Holy Jeebus I hate her. I hate listening to her whine, I hate looking at her emaciated face, I hate everything about her. If I could invent a time machine and go back in time to convince them to kick her off the first show when they should have I would. She makes my flesh crawl.

Blayne the Wonder Weasel is also on my shit list.
His one trick is to repeat the word "licious" over and over until you want to grab a blunt object and bash Blayne's brains in. From his first two "designs" I have deduced that he should have spent less time shooting up heroin and more time paying attention to the instructors when he was in fashion school.

The first two people to get bounced, the Asian guy with the bad hair and the young preppy guy with the bad attitude, both deserved to go. They both stank like a shell fish salad that had been left in a hot car for two weeks.

Okay, that's enough hate, let's move on to who I like this time around.

I like both the women of color this time around. Korto rocked the first challenge but the second time around she came up short. I think she's got more great designs in her but she needs to stop letting the judges opinions make her cry. You knew they were going to criticize everyone at some point sugar, get over it. Hitch up your big girl panties and learn from your mistakes.

I thought Terri got robbed in the first challenge. Her top made from mop heads looked far and away better that the coffee filter boob thingy dress that won and she wasn't even in the top three. She was robbed I tells ya, robbed! I'm rooting for her to go far, which is usually the kiss of death, just ask the black gal from last year and Greek Nick from two years ago.

I'm kind of diggin' on Kenley hard. I like her look and her design on this week's episode was really good looking. She seems nice and easy going.
I hope she goes far as well.

There's lots of episode left before this last season of Project Runway on Bravo ends so stick around and we'll see what happens as we continue on the Bataan death march to Lifetime.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

About Stella, why did they use her most recent mug shot for her bio pic? It seems a bit unfair.

I agree wtih you. Her nonstop whining and lack of talent have me stumped. You know how they always keep someone around who makes good tv? Could that be her?

Claire said...

Stella must go, and as bad as the Asian guy's (can't remember his name)outfit was from the first challenge, it was nowhere near as bad as Stella's trash bags. I'm reserving judgement on Blayne (although I do want to throttle him everytime I hear "girlicious) because I couldn't stant Christian for the first 2 or 3 episodes last year, and I just loved him by the end.

Ubermilf said...

I don't watch the show, but I am confident I would agree with these choices from the descriptions you've provided.

Especially the guy with the blue swirl. There was a guy like that on HGTV's "Next Design Star" who spent more time tearing down whatever his fellow contestants were doing than designing his own room.

Dean Wormer said...

Thanks for clearing that up. I'd thought Project Runway involved teams of amateurs building an airplane.

Mnmom said...

I was sick to death of it after watching just one episode years ago. I HATE reality shows. Did I mention I HATE THEM? No, really, I really HATE them.

Elizabeth said...

I laughed out loud more than once reading this. And BONUS: I don't have to watch the show when you do it for me, then report on it!

Thank you, Dr. Monkey!

GETkristiLOVE said...

They are obviously building up Blayne with his "licious" to be like Christian with his "fierce. I think he looks just like the Grizzly Man that got eaten by the bear.

Stella is a downer, dude.

I like Kenley so far and the cute blonde Kelli.