Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sometimes I'm a fat lazy bastard

And sometimes I do other stuff besides obsessively blogging.

Other stuff like obsessively posting pictures and scans of stuff to my Flickr account. You can see all my new sets of stuff by clicking here. Since I bought a "Pro account" I can now post all I like to just one Flickr account and I can make as many sets as I like.

If you want to use any of the stuff in my Flickr sets for your blogs or whatever, feel free. I would only ask that you not use my family photos with out asking me first.

Anyhoo, enjoy the vintage and pop culture stuff and the photos I've taken. And feel free to comment over there if you like as well.


Fran said...

Eat anything with false teeth?

Personally, I like false teeth with my popcorn. I also like false teeth with macaroni and cheese.

I would never eat false teeth with my hot dogs however... those two tastes just don't go together at all!

Little Merry Sunshine said...

That's a heck of a bug. What does Orkin charge to get rid of that?

Dr. Zaius said...

It it has false teeth, I can pretty much guarantee that I don't want to eat it.

Mnmom said...

Holy Cow Man, there is a giant preying mantis on your patio!!! And it appears to be eating a nicely potted plant. And OH MY GOD its body is made of an oxygen tank and therefore extremely flammable. Proceed with Caution my friend.

dguzman said...

Holy shit, how many male praying mantids did that one eat to get so big?

Blueberry said...

A mantis like that would eat you all up, including the $9.95 suit, and spit your false teeth back out.

Elizabeth said...

I was expecting some FREE SMELLS, but all I got was a really cool photo of some giant iron lawn bugs.