Tuesday, July 22, 2008

She's a pistol that 1968 girlfriend of mine

She plays with toy cars, which I would really have dug in 1968.

And she hung out with guys in 1968 who look kind of like I do now.

Sure, she's one heck of an imaginary girlfriend but she can't hold a candle to my real life one.


pissed off patricia said...

Ah, I used to spend hours and hours playing in the sand with toy cars. Of course I was about nine years old at the time. But, you know what? It still sounds like fun. I'm always growing older but I refuse to grow up.

Blueberry said...

Where's the leopard-skin pillbox hat?

Looks like she's playing "Attack of the 1,000 ft. Woman"

Dr Zibbs said...

Look where the right hand is on that dude. Nice. I'll repeat - nnniiiiccce.

Claire said...

Weren't you like 5 in 1968? Go ahead with your bad self, playa.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Good thing you added those last 11 words.

Unconventional Conventionist said...

Hmmm. She's quite the hot tomato. :)

Mnmom said...

Guy-who-looks-like-you is doing the not quite so savvy as he imagines copping of a feel. I hate guys like that.

Anonymous said...

Next, the guy will be doing the "wiener in the popcorn box" trick.

Elizabeth said...

Any real-life girlfriend of yours would have to be ultra-cool and whip smaht.

Romius T. said...

i so want a 1968 year old girl friend. maybe that is why watch mad men.

Dr. Zaius said...

I wanna play with toy cars, too.