Thursday, July 31, 2008

The pleasure principle

As partisan as I am you may be shocked to learn that I take little pleasure in seeing elected officials of the conservative Republican variety indicted for on corruption charges. See, I, probably naively so, think that if you are elected to the one of the highest legislative bodies in this country then you should be above using your office for criminal personal gain for yourself and for your buddies. I want to believe that even though I disagree with all Republicans, and these days most Democrats, in Congress, especially in the Senate, that they have some of our country's best interests at heart and that they can control themselves from plundering and helping other plunder at our national money teats.

Sadly some can't.

Sadly, once elected to the House or to the Senate they feel that they are above the law and unaccountable to the people who elected them. Sadly, they feel only accountable to the monied interests who fund their perpetual campaigns.

To see Congressmen and Senators get indicted or to leave office under a cloud of suspicion, no matter what party they are in makes me profoundly said. I'm not saying I'm sad to see them go, oh hell no, on the contrary, I'm glad to see them go. What makes me sad is that they used their office, their power, their influence to enrich themselves and their pals at our expense. Democrats as well as Republicans are guilty of it. Jim Wright of Texas was a crook who broke the rules for his benefit, Dan Rostenkowski was too. On the other side of the aisle Newt Gingrich had to resign in disgrace because of his financial dealings. It affects members of both parties.

Now, the kind of political scandal that I take great pleasure in is the kind where conservative Republican "pro family," European Jesus lovin', gay and adultery hatin' (in public anyway) politicians get caught trying to pick up dudes in bathrooms

or using hookers for sexual stuff their wives won't do or hittin' on 16 year old boys. I hate Congressional hypocrisy as much as I hate Congressional white collar crime, one makes me laugh and shake my head, the other makes me sad and mad. And unfortunately for me and the rest of the country, Washington DC is permeated with both kinds of bad behavior. On both sides of the aisle.


pissed off patricia said...

I hear you and I know what you mean. It's sort of the difference between crooks and liars.

Ubermilf said...

Maybe it stings because every time it happens, it reminds us that we're SUPPOSED to be a nation where everyone is equal, yet our "leaders" have a sick sense of entitlement.

Dean Wormer said...

Now Monkey it's really not up to us to critique our betters.

Mnmom said...

Why don't WE run for office??

dguzman said...

I am sure the entire system is broken. Whatever ethics and rules these elected officials pretend to live by, the reality is that they are only there to enrich themselves and their buddies. Even someone who's seemingly out for the good like Obama has had to bow down to corporate interests (FISA's telecom immunity, anyone?). I had a history teacher in college who said that politicians in America, from the Founding Fathers to the Gores and Obamas of today, have ALWAYS been in it to steal as much money as they can. The difference is that NOW they don't bother to cover up their thievery or to do any good works, like the old-time guys did.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

pretty much says it for me.

Anonymous said...

Great post, my friend. We need to get back to the idea that these folks are public SERVANTS.

Madam Z said...

You are the smartest monkey I ever did see. I agree with everything you say in this post. This line is especially true: "Sadly, once elected to the House or to the Senate they feel that they are above the law and unaccountable to the people who elected them. Sadly, they feel only accountable to the monied interests who fund their perpetual campaigns."

Or to put it even more succinctly: Power corrupts.

Elizabeth said...

We had that jack@ss Randy "Duke" Cunningham. I'll never forget it.

Randy "Dork" Cunningham, more like.