The rich white politicians in Washington DC keep telling us that things aren't as bad economically as the liberal media makes them out to be, but you and I know things
are actually worse then they are portrayed, especially for working class families with children. Unlike Bush McCain who is as clueless as his buddy Bush Jr., I'm here to offer you some help. I'm here to show you how you can make more money and have lasting financial peace of mind.
1) Learn a new skill, like for instance this one:

2) Do people look at you like you're a moron when you write something or speak, like they do when Bush Jr. says or writes anything? Well then this course may be for you:

3) Turn your avocations and hobbies into cold hard cash!

4) Or you could just make money like Republicans do. You could rig the rules of business and government to suit your needs! Or better yet, get the government to stop spending money on wasteful things like food stamps and aid to the poor and get it to give you and your company all that money! It worked for people and businesses like Ross Perot, General Motors, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Coca Cola, Ford Motor Company, and many more.
Stop being a sucker who works hard for a living. Stop scrimping and saving. Get rich the Republican way! Start a multi national corporation and then demand the government give you all the tax breaks (corporate welfare) it can! And if those tax breaks aren't enough, demand more. Heck Mr. and Mrs. America, it's the new American way!
I contend that that "Art" career ad is just promoting another way to get close to scantily-clad women.
Here's a question: why hasn't Chimpy taken that "How to Speak" class? Wouldn't it improve his public image?
I can always tell when he's giving a speech written by someone else, because he sounds semi-coherent. When he sounds like a jack@ss, I know he's freestyling.
Wait, he always sounds like a jack@ss. Hmmm. There goes my theory.
Do you think I could get paid for my drawings?
This is great. And I thought my only hope was multi-level marketing.
By the way, I like what you've done with the place, especially that Airstream trailer on top of the page. If my compound wasn't out in the middle of a swamp, I'd suggest you come park it over by my place.
Hey, I choose not to be wealthy as a protest against the inequalities in the system!
Yeah, that's the ticket.
or, you could marry it like mccain did.
I want to be Paris Hilton's purse dog. He seems to have it pretty good
Drawing half nekid women is easier than bull riding, I guess.
These days, ass kissing seems to pay pretty well.
I hear being born rich also helps. ;-)
Why does Oil Burner Servicing Man look like someone just told him they were about to give it to him hard up the ass? Looks like a field I'll avoid.
We all must smell the armpits of the rich and go, "Ah, what a savory smell."
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