Monday, July 21, 2008

Here's Chester Earl Blankenship and Sally demonstrating a good metaphor for...

...a) what we're doing in Iraq to the Iraqi people.
b) the stranglehold corporations have on our political system and our lives in general.
c) male/female relationships.

(No dogs were harmed in the making of the photograph for this post.)


pissed off patricia said...

That's also what the oil companies are doing to the American people.

Anonymous said...

or as the theme song for Daria're standing on my neck.


And you got it right - it was the actor who said ice is for losers. The prize is on its way. Have food and water ready.

Elizabeth said...

Their dog-play version looks like a lot more fun that our human-and-in-all-seriousness version.

They're very cute.

GETkristiLOVE said...

I hope it's the girl dog who's got her paw on the submissive boy dog's throat. ;)

Bridget Jones said...

ummm isn't the dog at the top of the pic a doctor?

Sherry Pasquarello said...

looks like they are having a better time than "we the peoples is!"

sez max (who thinks he's a peoples!)

Suzy said...

Awwwww. I love heeler-type dogs.