Thanks for selling out the Constitution so your corporate pay masters can enjoy immunity for their illegal deeds. Yo, Congressional "leadership" if you want to know why your approval ratings are so low it's because you keep doing the bidding of that lawless thug in the White House. If you over paid under worked lying weasels stood up to him and stopped trying to look like you're not "weak on terror and national defense" then perhaps the general public wouldn't hate you all so much. My douchebag Congressdwarf voted to shield the telecoms from immunity because he's a toadying simpering smallminded Republican.
I fucking wish you Democrats would stop acting like my douchebag Congressdwarf.
I was wondering when somebody else had had their fill of this traitor. Totally good for nothing Bush slut. Lets try to get rid of this cancerous monster.
BTW, I can only type 80 wpm but the emails are flying out of this computer like flames licking dry leaves--and I have help--and the dwarf who's always lame gets his share. Thanks for making me vent this Sunday morn. I need a fentenyl patch to get rid of this chronic headache from these bastards. O had bad it is!
There are Democrats in Congress??
Well said.
I wish it wasn't this way. Mr.OM and I were having a long talk this morning about how the Democrats in Congress are having virtually no effect. It wasn't exactly the uplifting conversation I like to have.
There ought to be a way for us to throw out anyone in the party who won't vote our platform most of the time anyway. They can't call themselves democrats if they can't act like one.
I don't know why they bother calling themselves "representatives" when they NEVER represent the people's views! IMPEACH! No telecom immunity! Nail those bastards to the fucking wall!
My sentiments, exactly.
I don't usually like to comment on peoples' appearance, but I have a theory about why Ms. Pelosi's eyes are sunken so deeply into her head:
it's from sucking Bush's ass so hard!
Tra la
I believe she's a Stepford wife.
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