Monday, June 2, 2008

Imagine if you will...

...that you're hurtling down a dark country road in the dead of night in August in a rusted out beat all to hell Chevy Nova. It's 90 degrees Fahrenheit with 110% humidity inside the car. A crazy one eyed old man is behind the wheel and he's pushing the pedal to the metal and you're screaming for him to slow down but there's no way he can hear you because he's too busy listening to the voices inside his head. You look ahead and you notice that with every foot you travel the headlights on the car keep getting dimmer and soon they'll be out and you know that the dude in the drivers seat will not stop. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that both of you are drunk and you both are taking long pulls off sweaty bottles of warm Budweiser long neck beers you stole from a bar about 30 minutes ago. In the backseat there's a kid who's way too young to drink or smoke yet he's doing both and he's laughing like a maniac as the Nova plows through the thick wet night air. As you take one last drink of tepid beer you toss your bottle out the window and the kid in the back seat hands you another beer and you think to yourself, "I hope we get to where we're going quick before this bastard doing the driving wrecks and kills us all." If you can imagine that then you have a good idea what the band Beat the Devil sounds like, follow that link and you'll be able to stream or download two of their songs.

I'm crazy about this group and especially it's lead singer Shilpa Ray.
Shilpa sings,
plays the snow shovel,
and the Harmonia and the Theremin too, what's not to love?

Her voice is pure rock and roll caterwaul that at times sounds unearthly and at all times is wildly compelling. You may not like their sound but I sure do. There's a couple of videos, both live, of them singing their song Plea Bargain on You Tube, go check them out if you are inclined. Long live Beat the Devil.


Westcoast Walker said...

Thank you for that eloquent journey into the dark heart of Americana... I will definitely check this band out!

Mnmom said...

Holy Cow Dr. M, at first I thought you were describing a harrowing scene from your childhood and you had me in tears! They look like fun.

Missy said...

I was cut off by an old Chevy Nova yesterday! The wound still stings.

Wonderful band description!

Joe said...

Cool sound. Great description of it in your intro.

Someone needs to buy their music, now, since it looks like their website is suspended for non-payment

Ed said...

You've just got to love anyone who plays theremin and harmonium!