Monday, June 9, 2008

Here's Bush McCain with a joke for you

My friends, what do you get when you cross a flock of sheep with a tropical island?

If my opponent has his way then you'd get a resort island that would fleece people like me and my obscenely rich wife out of our hard earned corporate profits and that my friends would be a tragedy. Because you know the American way is not change for change sake or to make things more equitable by levying higher taxes on the rich, no my friends the American way I love is for corporations to have unfettered access to your money and that is something I think we can all get behind.

Umm, Senator?


You never did finish the joke.

You know who else never finished jokes? People who were in Vietnamese POW camps. We were too busy thinking of how we'd dump our wives and marry rich heiresses when we got back home after the war to finish jokes. And you have a hell of a lot of nerve asking me to finish a joke, after all I was a prisoner of war. And my friends I'd like to remind you that my opponent was not in the military and he's black too. And I'd also like to remind you that I'll be getting 100% of the white racist vote, that's a voting bloc that I have wrapped up, yes siree. So don't forget that my opponent, whose middle name is Hussein, is black. Now, is Matlock on yet? And where is my pudding?


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You get the Baa-hamas when you cross a flock of sheep with a tropical island.

Jess Wundrun said...

Where do pirates go for vacation?

Aaarrrghhh- ruba.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i liked it.

Ubermilf said...

Why do you pretend to hate your corporate overlords when you really want to live under their benign protection and gently guiding hands?

You are an ungrateful serf.

pissed off patricia said...

So is he trying to do Michelle and Barack's fist bump? He's one fist short.

Sounds like he's late for his mid morning nap.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I LOVE it! But wait, McCain is a former Vietnam POW? Huh. Who knew? Thanks for digging that up Dr. Monkey. He should talk about that some.

He definitely traded up. I heard the current Mrs. McCain is a former USC Cheerleader AND rodeo queen (at least according to Wikipedia).

MC said...

Where is his pudding? In his diaper.
Where is Matlock? On this shirt
Where is McCain's Head scheduled to be today? Up his own ass, between Pat Robertson's ass cheeks, and then up his own ass again.

dguzman said...

Look at that pasty blotchy paper skin. He looks like an albino iguana. So why doesn't he just slither away already?

Dean Wormer said...

I can't remember another political campaign based solely on the idea that the candidate was captured and tortured by the enemy.

MC said...

You may not remember a political campaign, but a particular movie springs to mind.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I think I love the fact that the GOP, the party with trademarks (or copyrights, I never know which is which) on "Values" and "Morals", couldn't find themselves someone who DIDN'T cheat on their wife to run for president.

GETkristiLOVE said...

How long until Carol McCain lashes out? I hope I'm in front of a TV with popcorn when it happens.

Claire said...

ubermilf made me laugh out loud with that comment.

Snad said...

June just told me that George F. Will had this to say today about McCain: "I wish he would be more interested in domestic policy. The truth is if it doesn't fly or explode he doesn't seem to be too interested".


MC said...

That explains why McCain keeps talking about being a POW... he was flying his plane and it exploded.