Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I've had enough of all of them.

The Clintons and the Bushes that is. This country has had a Clinton or a Bush in the White House for the past 28 years and to be honest I hope we never see another of either of those families in power again.

I've had enough of older baby boomers and the "greatest generation" running things. I'm 45 and I know damn well that someone my age would make a fine President. And I want someone my age to be President. Someone who's been through the same things I've been through, historically speaking.

I've had enough of rich white people running things. That's all we've had for the past two hundred and some years and it's time for people of color to step up and lead this nation for a change, after all people of color are in the majority world wide, as much as Pat Buchanan and Mike Malkin hate it.

I know Sen. Obama is going to make mistakes when he gets elected President, and I know he's not perfect, no one is. But what I also know is that we need a break from the Bushes and the Clintons and from the way we've always done things. It's time to go in a new direction, one that is more fair for more Americans. And I believe the only way were ever going to change things is to get away from the old politicians and their unoriginal lockstep way of thinking and doing business.

What I really think would be best for our country is a wholesale departure from our current corporate system, but that's not going to happen because corporate control of our government is too strong. But maybe, just maybe, if we have the balls to elect a black President then maybe we can also have the balls to start to dismantle the corporate control of our lives, our government, and our political system. Maybe one day we finally have have a government for us, by us.


Blueberry said...

I am sick of people winning elections because the public believes their lies. I hope there's a concession speech tonight.

Mnmom said...

WE THE PEOPLE have spoken - via Dr. Monkey. Right there with ya brother.

pissed off patricia said...

Yep! I agree, it's time to take a new direction. I believe President Obama can at least turn this thing around instead of going head first into a brick wall.

Jess Wundrun said...

Teddy Roosevelt 42
John F Kennedy 43
Bill Clinton 46

(What? Bill Clinton was young? And we elected him? Crazy)

Anonymous said...

I have had enough of Republicans and Democrats to last a life time. They (as a group) should be banished to the hinterlands where they can screw up the country any more. There should be term limits on Congress and there should be a limit on spending in elections. It is disgusting the amount of money that has been spent on just the democratic side. Think what that money could have done say in East LA or New Orleans or (add you own location). I will not vote for any of the major party bozos. They make me sick. Ralph Nader is looking better every day.

Dr. Zaius said...

I have grow weary of the whole nomination fiasco, as well. I am even more weary of Ralph Nader, however. Go-Bama!

barbie2be said...

dear god, i hope you are right dr. monkey. i can't stand much more of this republican war mongering.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a step in the right direction, although the corporatocracy is now so entrenched that it will be years before we are out of this quagmire. But it's a start to be sure.