The decision has been made and the Michigan and Florida delegates have been awarded. And in a move that surprised no one the Hillary Kool Aid drinkers are not happy. In fact they are livid. And why would they be livid you may ask. They are livid because Hillary was not awarded every single delegate from Michigan and Florida. In their universe, and please don't construe this to mean you level headed Hillary supporters who will vote for whoever is the eventual nominee, I'm talking about the die hard Hillary supporters who say that if Hillary is not the nominee then they'll vote for McCain, the only possible outcome in the Michigan/Florida debacle was Hillary getting all the delegates and Obama none.
Obviously this was never going to happen. Not in a million years, not even if Bill got every male member of the DNC a blow job from one of his interns.
The fact is that both Michigan and Florida were told not to have early primaries and if they went ahead and did it anyway then they would face sanctions from the national party. Hillary and Obama, and Kucinich and Biden and Richardson and Dodd and Gravel and your second cousin from Des Moines all said, "Fine by me." And then because all of them said that some candidates did not even get themselves on the ballot in Michigan, but Hillary did. And shock of all shocks, when the primary that wasn't not supposed to be went down in Michigan Hillary won. So Hillary's supporters say that Obama should not get any of the delegates from Michigan. Which is bullshit because this penalizes Obama for playing by the rules all the candidates agreed to.
And then some Hillary Kool Aid drinkers claim that since Obama commercials played in Florida during the campaign that he was campaigning against the rules. Which is bullshit. Some spillover occurs all the time in markets that straddle state borders, so that means that commercials bought and played on Ohio stations may were seen in areas of Michigan.
Complain all you like but the decision has been made and Obama is now about two dozen delegates from the nomination. After Tuesday he'll clinch it. Then you Hillary people need to take a deep breath and exhale out your negative energy towards Obama. Then the next step is to coalesce behind Obama and work to get him elected. Some of you will be pissed and say you're going to vote for McCain, I'm guessing in the hope that he will fuck up worse than Bush and that Hillary will have a cake walk to the nomination in 2012. And that type of logic is bullshit. Do you seriously want another four years of Bush? Another four years of corporations running everything? Another four years of never ending war? Do you want McCain putting more people like Alito and Roberts and Scalia on the US Supreme court? If you do then quit calling yourself a Democrat right this second and go join with Rush Limbo and Mike Malkin and Neuter Gingrich and Rick Santorum and be a Reichpublican.
It's time to stop the bickering. It's time to come together. It's time to elect our first black President.
hey muck--you can borrow matewan without a basil offering. you and or sparky are welcome to stop by. xo
Well put, Dr., I am with you on this. I would add that if by some screwed up fluke that Hillary ends up being the nominee somehow, who knows how, but if it happened, I would choose her over McCain.
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