Monday, May 5, 2008

A message to the good people of Indiana and North Carolina

Since they both favor a gas tax holiday that will make us more dependant on foreign oil, make the gas and oil companies more money, and keep us hooked on buying and using gas and oil, maybe they both have the same plan to keep us out of another war for oil.  You remember the current war for oil don't you?  The one in Iraq.  The one both of them voted for.  

Ahh, who knows?  It's just nice to see how Hillary differentiates herself from Barak Obama.  Too bad she's doing it by becoming more Republican than she already is.  

I'm begging you people in Indiana and North Carolina to vote for Obama tomorrow.  Let's end this thing now and let's take it to Bush McCain and his minister John Hagee.


Ubermilf said...

Quit picking on the poor little ol' oil companies, Monkey.

drinkof said...

Obama will win NC. NC is slightly more than half again larger than IN. Especially with the 150k new registrants, with Obama at the head of the ticket, NC is in play in the fall.

OTOH, Obama winning by 5% in NC and losing by the same in IN being spun as a victory for HRC? Can't do nothing about that, except wait for logic to sneak in. Somewhere.

Ripley said...

I eagerly await the McCain/Clinton -> Clinton/Mrs. McCain -> Mrs. McCain/Alan Keyes dynasty we're heading for.

And I'm proud to be a post-Apocalyptic America
Where at least I know I'm free

Mnmom said...

Repeal the gas tax indeed, yeah, that'll get those nasty old oil companies! Starving our national funds for roads will show those creeps! That'll teach em!

God o'mighty I get mad thinking how stupid they must think WE are.

MC said...

Starving the roads AND 300K people out of jobs this summer.

Blueberry said...

I'm not seeing much difference in her and McCain these days. What disturbs me is that she's damaged the front runner and the Party so badly, that they will need to put her on as VP in order to win. I read a few pro-Clinton blogs out of curiosity and some of those folks are drinkin the koolaid. Those hard-cores will vote for McCain if she loses (and why not? The two get more similar by the day.)

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Tonight I called my dad (a diehard Republican who recently repented his evil ways) who lives in Indiana (where they have an open primary) and told him in no uncertain terms to go vote for Obama tomorrow. He told me he was torn. He just wasn't sure he could trust Obama, but he definitely doesn't trust Hillary (she's no different than what we have now, my dad says), but he just doesn't know what to do tomorrow (for all intents and purposes, there is no GOP primary). So I asked him, "Dad, what would you need to know about Obama to make you definitely cast a ballot for him tomorrow?" And my dad says, "Well, I'd need him to say to me 'As a man, everything I've ever said and promised is 100% true.'" My response to my dad, after I was done laughing was "Dad, do you really think ANY candidate can say that to you?" Of course, he said no, but he just wasn't sure. He definitely doesn't trust Hillary, but just isn't sure about Obama.



Even if he's going with the lesser of two evils, in his mind (certainly not mine - I LOVE Obama), if he hates Hillary, then he must choose Obama. How difficult is this choice, really?

I agree with Dr. Monkey, PLEASE VOTE OBAMA!!!!!!!