"Hello, Grace Kelly here with a riddle for you. What has a beginning, a middle, but no end in sight? Give up? Why it's the war on terror of course!"

Barbara Bel Geddes on appeasement: "Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Spain, and the rest of the countries who make up the coalition who attacked Iraq appease George Bush by joining him in his illegal invaison?"

"I looked out my rear window the other day and I saw my neighbors getting evicted because they couldn't pay their mortgage. And before any of you say anything, I know damn well that I wasn't in
Rear Window."

"You'd have to be a psycho to support a 72 year old man for President. Especially one who offers nothing but the same old shit we've been getting for the past eight years. Ick, just thinking of voting for Bush McCain makes me feel dirty, I need a shower now."

"No sir, the rumors are not true. I most certainly do not have lilac scented pubic hair."

"Parts of
North by Northwest really haven't held up well, have they? But holy crap we're all praying that no one ever remakes it."

"Haven't I been here before?"

"I'm Joan Fontaine and I approved this film still."

"Enough of this foolishness! When I get done with this shot I'm going to let my hair down, give you my best vixen look, and then I'm going to spank you for using all us classic Hitchcock beauties in this silly post you monkey you."
My my Tippi, that is one HEAD of HAIR!
Mmm... Tippi Hedren! She was beautiful. So was Grace Kelly.
Darling, the only thing wrong with North by Northwest was the fake bullets!
Tippi - "All this craziness is for the birds."
Grace Kelly is gorgeous. And if I'm correct, she's co-starring with Carey Grant and they are A Gorgeous Couple.
Terrific post. You're so creative.
north by northwest is one of my favorites of all time
eva marie saint was gorgeous!
But as always, it comes back to the Monkey and the threats of spanking.
"Trouble with Harry" best Hitchcock movie no one talks about. Shirley was so adorable in it.
Barbara Bel Geddes sure could act when she got a decent role.
Barbara Bel Geddes is in the Hitchcock Presents version of Lamb to the Slaughter, and she is amazing. My students think that video is the best part of the year.
Oh those hilarious Hitchcock hotties.
I love The Trouble With Harry. And it's got the Beave in it.
Joan Fontaine is beautiful!
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