Thank goodness the Pennsylvania primary is finally over, now I can take a bath and get clean again. Some of that mud that was being slung by the candidates and their spokespeople flew all the way down to Tennessee and it got me dirty. I hope Clinton and Obama can remember that they won't be running against each other in the fall and that they should be attacking Bush "Hundred years in Iraq and no government paid health insurance for you but plenty for me" McCain instead of attacking each other so much.
Watch this clip:
About 9 seconds in, you can see Cinderbelle sitting in front of the guy in the yellow shirt. She's wearing a black v-neck top.
Ya know, that's what I liked about Obama's speech last night - he was talking about McCain, not getting pissy about Clinton. He was a gracious loser, congratulating her on her victory and then focussing on the future and McCain.
So true
Amen, Brother!
P.S. Your illustration will keep me smiling for the rest of the day.
Last night was a very good night for Obama and both campaigns know it. Hillary needs to make him look like a fool and she now has no states remaining to do that in. It's game over, but no one will tell the American people, and that's fine, because they wouldn't listen anyway.
Unfortunately it will probably get worse before it gets better.
Don't forget to wash behind your ears Dr. Monkey. Call me if you need help.
Woo hoo, we almost got to see your little monkey butt!
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