Sunday, March 9, 2008

That's a wrap people

Either Kirby and I watch and love all the same movies or she is me, either way she kicked everyone's ass in my Movie Line Meme post. Tying for second with one correct guess each was Matty Boy, D Cup, and my blog and real life friend Snad. Everyone else finished third. Check your mail boxes every day for your official Movie Line Meme prizes!

There were two quotes no one got and the answers are as follows:
#7 came from a little seen and less loved film by Alex Cox called:

I'm not sure who hated it more, the critics or everyone else who stayed away from this movie in droves. While there was plenty of hate for this odd offbeat movie, it got none from me because I loved it. I didn't take it seriously and I laughed liked a mad man the first time I saw it, but in retrospect the first time I saw it I was smoking joints as big as my head so that may have had something to do with why I liked it so much. This film featured one of the most eclectic casts ever, it had Elvis Costello, the Pouges, Joe Strummer, Dennis Hopper, and Grace Jones, among others. If you ever see it you'll probably hate it so don't go bitchin' at me if you do or I might just fling poo at you.

Line #8 is from one of my new favorites and it's another movie that most critics hated. It comes from Art School Confidential.

I liked this movie so much I watched it twice when we first rented it and it wasn't just because Sophia Myles has a topless scene in it. The guy on the left in the photo cracked me up and he reminded me of me when I was in college and he is the one who utters the line I quoted in my original post. I loved the inside jokes about art and artists and I loved the way they skewered pop culture and people who mock pop culture in this movie. It's also got great performances by John Malkovich, Max Minghella, and the guy who plays Earl's brother on My Name is Earl. And it has Sophia Myles topless in it, hubba hubba.

I'll do another movie quote post in a week or so but I'll make it a bit more difficult for that fiendishly clever Kirby when I do.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... you may be on to something. I often have the urge to fling poo at people.

I can't believe I missed the line from "Straight to Hell". I've told you before how much I loved that movie, and I saw it straight, nary an ounce of weed in sight.

Snad said...

I still need to watch the art school movie. I gotta say, though - that kids mouth drives me nuts. He looks like a fucking parrot fish.

Anonymous said...

Art School Confidential jumped the shark in the second act.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Kirby-It's scary how much our movie tastes are alike.

Snad-You better watch that film girl.

Duros-I disagree, I loved it.

Life As I Know It Now said...

My hubby LOVES "Art School Confidential" too. I watched it with him twice (which is a lot from me, the tv phob).