Monday, March 24, 2008

Thanks for nothing

Hey Hillary, thanks for all the super negative campaigning you and your surrogates have been doing lately.
I guess you've learned in the past eight years that going negative works and that you can scare up votes by scaring people with your fright filled vision of people calling the White House at 3 AM. Good job babe, you've not only taken a page out of Bush/Rove's playbook, you stole the whole damn book.

There was a slim chance that I was going to vote for you but you blew that to smithereens with your comment that you and McCain would be ready to be President on day 1 and that Obama would only be ready to deliver another speech. Way to slam your fellow Democratic party rival and to talk up your opponent. I'd like to remind you that McCain only laughed when he was asked how he and his Republican buddies could "Beat the bitch." He didn't scold the woman who called you a bitch, he didn't tell her to be more respectful, he didn't ask her to apologize for her insult, he just laughed and said they could beat the bitch by being nominating him. I'll bet Obama wouldn't have acted like that or let someone get away with calling you a bitch.

Your dirty campaign of slinging mud at Obama and questioning his ability to lead is making us sick. It demeans you and it's going to turn people away from you and sink your chances of ever getting the nomination in the future. It's also causing the super delegates to turn to Obama because they don't want to see their ticket being led by a woman who will stoop to Bush/Rove gutter politics to win.

You're setting a bad example by continuing the fear based politics of division that Bush/Rove perfected. The reason you're losing to Obama is that in him some of us see a new direction and some semblance of hope. We don't see that in you. What we see in you is the same kind of things that we see and hate in Bush/Rove/McCain.

You've always struck me as a politician who will do anything to get elected and stay elected and I guess you learned that from your husband or maybe he learned it from you, who knows. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how you'll debase yourself and your party in order to win, you did after all start out your political life as a "Goldwater Girl." I guess it's once a Republican, always a Republican, even if it's only in your negative campaign style.


Blueberry said...

I saw a bumper sticker for her yesterday which said "I'm in it to win" and I thought "no shit, and by any means necessary, hook -AND- crook".

SamuraiFrog said...

Absolutely. I'm tired of this politicking and negative campaigning. I see Obama in a much different light since his "more perfect union" speech, and even in the week since it seems Clinton has upped the game. I'm so sick of the negativity, and I'm not voting for a candidate who engages in it to the point she does. She's really reminding me of why I hated her so much in the first place: she's Lieberman in a pantsuit.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Blueberry-I guess a harpy's got to do what a harpy's got to do in order to win.

Samurai-That is a frightening image, Liberman in a pantsuit.

Ricky Shambles said...

The last two months of negative campaigning have made up my mind (even though stoopid Ohio gave it to Hillary). I figured she was in the wrong when she actually started resembling the monster the right wing was painting her as. I'm looking forward to pulling the party back together.

And I think Liberman's suckling and whoring for the VP teat of McCain may actually land him in a pantsuit.

Micgar said...

I'm still wondering if the RNC is paying her to do this shit! If they aren't, it sure seems like it!

Anonymous said...

The only change Hillary will bring to the White House is menopause.

Oooh yeah, I said it!