Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hopefully this will clear up a few of your questions

The Johnson girls, Faith, Hope, and Charity, will be watching us and judging our every move for the rest of the month. The following people have been checking out Androcles and the Lion:
When I'm not blogging, cooking, running for President, reading to the blind, interpretively dancing, working for world peace, visualizing whirled peas, producing recordings for the Black Eye Peas, making people sneeze, saying "Thank you" and "Please," cutting the cheese, looking at trees, counting to three, enjoying a crime spree, having a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thee, I like to get together with friends and reenact scenes from the film Barbarella.


Claire said...

You're a silly, silly man. Half-man, half-monkey.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Was the second guy's name really Jeff Salad? A pseudonym if I ever saw one.

dguzman said...

Oh Pygar!

Pilkey said...

I remember picking up a book on drugs at the public library when I was in high school and I saw that a lot of my friends had checked it out. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Are you sure the top photo isn't left over from one of Whiskey Marie's photo shoots? I see a slight resemblance, especially in the devilish grin.

Whiskeymarie said...

I totally see a new hairdo in my future.

mwb said...

Umm. The Barbarella Jane Fonda is mine. Keep her out of your fantasies!

You can have the Barefoot in the Park and Klute ones though.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

CDP-Silly makes the world go 'round.

Barb-Maybe he's on the lam.

Dguzman-I was tring to remember his name! Thanks for reminding me what it was.

Salty-I learned about drugs by doing them.

Kirby-It could be, that wench is everywhere.

Whiskey-Go for it!

MWB-I'll take all three thank you very much and I'll also take "On Golden Pond" Jane as well. Nah nah nah.