Friday, February 29, 2008

"We are the ones we've been waiting for."

Another great video from Will I. Am, I wonder if McCain will get someone like Wayne Newton or Pat Boone to do his.


joshhill1021 said...

I couldn't help but notice the increased number of Latino celebrities in this video. Coincidence? I think not. He really is trying to reach out to the Latinos to steal this population away from Clinton, I am not criticizing him, just noting this.

Mnmom said...

I don't like the chanting of his name - he's just another man - he's not a prophet. Let's not deify him.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

That was great! So great I just put it on my own blog. Thanks for finding it!

Alyson said...

right to free speech is such a great thing, and in that respect i will just say that this video is amazing and the fact that is making videos completely independent of the Obama campaign is equally amazing.

what i do not find particularly amazing is the negative tone of some of the comments left here already.

the difference in this video and the other one is the amount of time had to get people on board for this one. last time for the "yes we can" video he did it in 48 hours total. this video allowed other people and other celebrities to be a part of it if they wanted to be.

i do not think this was an over-representation of Latino celebrities. and i assure you, if ANYONE unfairly "steals" this election from the other, it will be the Clinton machine...

just my .02!!

OBAMA IN 08!!!

Jess Wundrun said...

I am voting for Obama, but I gotta go with mnmom on this one.

And thus far I haven't been concerned about the jokes about cultism etc. because I am glad to see that people can finally look to politics without a jaded eye or cynical twist.

Yet, the chanting of his name leaves the realm of American democracy for something else.

In any case, as Alyson points out, this was done by, not the Obama campaign, so I'm going to assume that Barack himself doesn't think he's god. Yet.

And I guess if he did, he'd have a shorter route than the current douchebag occupant who believes god tells him to start immoral wars.

Love live the sun king!

Alyson said...

oh yeah, i forgot to mention that the only celeb i have a problem with in this video is ryan phillipe. he cheated on my precious reese witherspoon. that man cannot be trusted!! :-)

joshhill1021 said...

I do want to clarify my point since it seems that it was misunderstood. I am not a fan of either of the candidates, but since I will have to choose I would prefer Obama (I guess). My point was that there was a wide range of ethnicities presented here and that there did seem to be a fair number of Latinos and even parts of it were in Spanish. This is an important demographic that Obama has to reach out to, I know this was done by Will I. Am and not the Obama campaign, but that does not change the fact that Obama needs to be able to reach out to the Latino community and this video is very effective in doing just that. I was also not implying that he was trying to steal this election, a point I agree with you on that Clinton is more likely of this, but that he needs to steal away or sway the Latino demographic to support
him as a way solidify his support.

So I was not trying to be negative and I am sorry to those of you who felt that I was negative. Just my thoughts and reaction to this video.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Boxer-Calm down, there is no need to apologize for having an opinion that is different from anyone elses. And Latino votes are not automatically Clinton's so there is nothing for Obama to "steal."

MnMom-I don't think they are deifying him, it's part of the black tradition to chant and repeat things.

Merry-Go for it.

Alyson-Indeed Reece rules and as such she would want you to be nice to my other commenters.

Jess-When we get god out of politics then we might let some sanity in.