Friday, February 29, 2008

Grace convinced me to give my life to the Lord

It's official, I surrender. The years of being brow beaten by religious nut jobs have taken their toll on me and I must now join the rest of the sheep in worshipping the Lord. My friends, do not weep for me, for I go willingly. Know that everything will be perfect for me as I join this walk with the Lord. I've never been happier than I am right this second because I know the Lord has a plan for me and for the rest of my life.

Please know that like all good sheep of the Lord, I must try to convince you that you must follow the Lord as well. The Lord demands it, for he is a jealous Lord who wants you to only worship him. Do not be annoyed if I constantly try to win you to the Lord, I will be after all just following my Lord's instructions.

I urge you all to give yourself to the Lord this second. Fall on your knees and praise the Lord!
The Lord gave us his only son:
And all that believe in and praise the Lord shall go to paradise when they die and sit at his right hand.
The power of the Lord is mighty indeed for only the Lord could have put Satan behind bars: So if you know what's good for you, you'd better start following the Lord now because if you don't then the Lord will shoot your pagan ass and send you to hell.
I can never thank you enough Grace for leading me to the Lord. The Lord rocks my world.

If you're too young to remember the Lord and his great TV show, then click here to learn all about the Lord.


Mnmom said...

I love the Lord's theme song!! It's catchy and easy to dance to.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

God that was a great show! Sneaking into the living room to watch after I was supposed to be in bed was always a pretty religious experience for me.

Anonymous said...

Finally a deity we can all believe in!

Saying the Lord: "Book 'em, Danno!"

Jenn Siva said...

thanks for the link, at my ripe old age of 27, I had no idea who the hell that was.

Cheesecake Maven said...

This brings back some good memories for me! My grandma always used to call this show, "Hawaii VO5", she got it mixed up with her shampoo!

Okay, a show of hands out there, who else had a girlish crush on Danno?

dguzman said...

Yeah, but does Ted Haggard belong to your Lord's church?

Cup said...

Huh. I was so sure you'd be a Tracey Lordian.

Mnmom said...

I kinda thought Danno was cute.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord and pass the pomade!

Joe said...

I have always worshipped his hair. Have you noticed how much Cramps lead Lux Interior has in common with Lord?

Dr. Zaius said...

"Be there. Aloha!"

Freida Bee said...

The Lord will surely see you surf your way to salvation. Amen!

Ed said...

McGarrett, five-oh. I think you could give the Pastafarians a run for their money. But can your Lord compete with a heaven that includes a stripper factory and a beer volcano?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

MnMom-My Lord rocks.

Barb-It was one of my faves when I was young.


Greensumflowers-It's never too late to learn about the Lord.

Cheesecake-That is too funny.

Dguzman-We accept all and judge none.

Beth-I like her, I just don't worship her.

Kirby-Amen sister.

Bubs-His hair is rivaled only by the mane of the late Michael Landon.


Freida-You got that right.

Ed-My Lord has poi and a poo poo platter.

Micgar said...

I will never say this Lord's name in vain. Hail our almighty Lord.

GETkristiLOVE said...

The Lord is hawt.