Thursday, February 7, 2008

That hair, that dress!

This classic country video goes out to Michelle Obama. Hang in there Michelle, we'll get you and Barack in the White House yet!

How could you not love Tammy Wynette? Oh get off it, you know you do. And you not only love her, you want more of her, and you'll get it too.


Mnmom said...

That is one unemotional, cold looking country singer. Was it early Botox gone wrong? That hair could dent steel.

Mnmom said...

How did you fare through the storms in your area?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

MNMOm-No tornadoes in this end of the state. They were all out west. Tornadoes in this area are rare, they usually die when they hit the mountains around here. It's really windy tonight though. Thanks for asking.

Karen said...

I LOVE Tammy Wynette! Would you believe I have this on my MP3 player in between Nickelback and Daddy Yankee? What are the odds...

Missy said...

My father, who is not much for giving firm opinions, is unwaivering in his declaration that this is his favorite song- the Tammy Wynette version. He loves her voice and the melody of the music...I am not sure how he chooses to translate the lyrics, but I think in a post-feminist way!

If the song is on in the car he will sit and wait until it is over. He respects it.

Fantastic pick!

Dr. Zaius said...

Wow! She is wearing a missle silo on her head! That's so cool.

Joe said...

Lovely. Thank you.

NotSoccer Mom said...

dude that is one serious helmet. it's HUGE!

Anonymous said...

I like Lyle's version just a wee bit better, but only a bit.