Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The swag just keeps rolling in

Not only did Barbara send me two CD's, she also sent me a nice note on a great looking card. I guess being nice does pay off some times! Thanks for the great swag Barbara!

The rest of you need to step up and swag my monkey ass. (But only if you really want to, seriously, I'm just kidding, there's no pressure to send me stuff. But honestly, would it kill you to send me something nice?)


Distributorcap said...

i can send you nice swag
but where?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It was a recycled Christmas card! Everything gets reused around here.

Enjoy your new tunes, Dr M.

Tanya Espanya said...

But why did you get swag in the first place? What should I send?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

D Cap-Send me an email and I'll send you my address.

Barb-I'm loving the new tunes, especially the ones by The Great Lake Swimmers, Chad Van Galen, the Constines, and Wood Pigeon.

Tanya-People send me swag because they like me. Obivously you hate me because you have not sent me anything. You could send me a card, a post card, or cash (preferably US currency). :)

Tanya Espanya said...

I offered to send you a postcard when I was going on my trip and you were all, "No monkey way!"

I'll send you a banana.