Thursday, February 28, 2008

Evidently I'm a baaaaaad monkey

That's right Ms. GILF, spank me, spank me good and hard because I've been bad.

What have I done to deserve this spanking you might ask? Well it's simple really. It turns out that I am not the free thinking progressive monkey I thought I was. I found out today that since I do not like the "comedy" of Eddie Izzard I am biased against transgendered people. I had no idea I was such a hatemongering lout! So yes, spank me, make me learn, teach me how to be more tolerant and how to like the comic stylings of a person who I find to be so unfunny that it's not funny.

Wait, hang on, if not liking Izzard makes me biased against transgendered people, whose rights I have supported since I found out that there were such people the world over, does not liking Black Comedy Jam on HBO make me biased against African Americans? Does the fact that I don't eat Land O' Lakes butter make me biased against Native Americans? If I admit that I don't like the comedy of Jackie Mason am I now a Jew hater? Oh the shame of it all.

Hang on, I just remembered I don't like that Korean chick who used to be on Who's Line Is It Anyway, so now I guess I hate all Asians. I don't find comedian Rush Limbaugh funny so I must hate all fat drug addicts.

Oh god when will I stop my litany of hate? Never it seems because I don't find the following people funny so I must hate whatever ethnic group they belong to and I must hate those who have the same sexual orientation as they do: Yakov Smirnov, Paul Reiser, Jack Carter, Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, Adam Sandler, Horatio Sans, Phyllis Diller, and many more.

I'd like to thank first time commenter Darrr for pointing out to me what a hate filled puss bag I am. I'm honored that you took the time to set up a Blogger ID so you could tell me what a cad I was for not liking Eddie Izzard. I swear I'll try not to let my bias against transgendered people get in the way again. I honestly think I'll be able to learn from my mistakes. Now if you'll excuse me, surf's up and I got to go hang ten you bee-otch.


Fran said...

You know something - I can just tell from reading this post...

You just don't love America, do you?

Ubermilf said...

I hated "Sex in the City." I am self-loathing.

barbie2be said...

wait... rugh limbaugh is a comedian? how did i miss that?

Tanya Espanya said...

I totally love Eddie, and have paid to see his show.

He's not transgendered, though. He's just a dude who likes to dress up in lady stuff and make-up.

Your hate is safe with me. ;)

Anonymous said...

So, you don't like Eddie Izzard. What are your thoughts on that other famous trannie, J. Edgar Hoover?

vikkitikkitavi said...

I will try not to hold your dislike of the Izzard against you, but I can't promise anything.

joshhill1021 said...

I am also a lover of Eddie and he is not transgendered, he is a transvestite. So maybe you actually don't hate transgendered people just transvestites, LOL. I am sorry that you don't like him, but he is an aquired taste I guess, anyway to each his own. You are also a Redskins fan so your taste in football teams is not so great either, I guess I will have to forgive you on both accounts.

Mnmom said...

So not liking Eddie Izzard = hating transgender folks?? Of all the silly hogwash, that just takes the cake. Someone needs a stiff drink.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Fran-How'd you guess Comrade?

Ubermilf-However much you hated it, I hated it as much if not more.

Barbie-You can tell he's a comedian by the bullshit he spews. No one in their right mind would take that seriously.

Tanya-Thanks for making the world safe for my hate.

Kirby-Nothing sucks like a Hoover.

Vikki-I'll do the same for you and your dislike of Daniel Day Lewis. :)

Boxer_I love Trannies! Drag queens, the guys in Monty Python, and the Kids in the Hall, I love them all.

MnMom-Crazy huh? Next thing that person will say is that since I don't like Hannah Montanna I'm a hillbilly hater.

Matthew Hubbard said...

We agree on so much it's scary sometimes. So I'm glad there's a difference.

I like Eddie Izzard. I've seen him live. There's a board game I play where you have to put flags in the countries you visit/conquer, and we always say "Do you have a FLAG?" when someone visits but doesn't conquer, because it's a line from Izzard's act. Oh, how we laugh, ha ha.

I liked him in The Cat's Meow. Not so much in The Riches.

dguzman said...

Uh-oh -- I've never HEARD of Izzard, so I guess I'm even a worse hater than you! I deny his/her existence! I too am a hate-filled pus bag, I guess.

Alyson said...

i don't like eddie izzard either.

i also hate hillary clinton.

wonder if i am going to hell for all my hate??

Alyson said...

hey... it just occured to me! maybe darrr IS eddie izzard. bastard.

Micgar said...

Those comedians you named-will not have a home on my blog-I don't get that whole blue collar tour thing...yakov Smirnoff-didn't they find out that he was paid by Reagan's admin to do his stupid act?
I don't know about the Black comedy jam-some of those guys can be funny.
I don't like Rush the hot airbag-does that mean that I hate all far right air....oh yeah I guess in this case it does!