Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Don't stick a fork in it quite yet because it ain't quite done

Super Tuesday is behind us (although as I write this California is still too close to call) and now the TV pundits and their bastard step brethren, the radio talk show hosts, will all break it down and tell us what we should think and how we should proceed from here. I, of course, will ignore what most of them have to say because I enjoy thinking for myself. And speaking of thinking, here's what I think about the results:

I could not be happier that the Reich-publicans are so split. I love how the rank and file is picking Mad Dog in the north and east which is against the expressed wishes of their talk show goons Limbo, Mann Coulter, Mike Malkin, and Laura Ingalls Wilder and that the southern gawd squad voters are voting heavily for Husky-a-abee. And poor little rich boy Mittens is winning states that hardly anyone lives in. It's truly funny to see their party fracture along religious, political, and economic lines. I always knew the Reich-publican coalition would not hold forever.

It looks like Husky-a-bee will win my state and I'm so damn happy about it that I could jump with joy. Oh how I wish that this couple of crazy backwoods kids who made good make it somewhere on the Reich-publican ticket in November. This is usually where I'd make some kind of joke about fatty boy Mike and his Amazonian wife but sometimes doing stuff like that is like shooting fish in a barrel. Aw fuck it, sometimes shooting fish in a barrel is just plain fun, so here's a few jibes at the touchy feely couple.
Janet says, "Look honey, I touched a black person and his color didn't rub off on me!"

"No honey," said Mike with a phony smile, "I'll touch the Jew so you won't have to."

Ok, anyhoo, I'm praying to the dark ancient gods who bore me that Mad Dog gets the nomination and that in order to bring his party together he picks Husky Boy to be his veep. Oh what a pair those two would make, an angry old fart who will continue the failed policies of Bush/Cheney and an uptight Baptist minister who never met a gay or liberal he didn't hate. Why that would be a match along the lines of Nixon/Agnew, and we know how that political marriage worked out.

You've got to chuckle when you think about all that money Mittens has wasted so far. He's spent millions upon millions of his own money to get himself elected and what does he have to show for it? A boatload of second and third place finishes. He keeps saying he wants to be the CEO President (Hey, you all remember how the first MBA President worked out for us? Forget his name? It's George W. Bush.). If he runs this country as well as he's run his campaign then we'd be in a shitload of trouble, even more trouble than we're in now. Any CEO knows when to cut his losses and change his business when things are not working, well, any CEO but Mitt. He's gonna keep doing what hasn't worked for him right up until the convention in the Twin Cities later this year. I hope he spends all his money on not getting nominated, it would serve him right.

On my side of things I'm disappointed that Obama didn't win TN but since we're not a winner take all state he'll come out of the race with a good number of our delegates. And it looks like he'll do the same in most of the states Hillary won. I was glad to see him do so well in the heartland, the rust belt, and out west. I hope he can win a boatload of delegates in California.

One thing is for sure after this Super Tuesday, it's not over by a long shot.


Karen said...

I'm surprised that Huckabee did as well as he did last night. Yep, surprised. Not that I want any of the Republicans to win the election later this year but it was nice to see the Rep's in a threesome and nothing decided. And although Obama didn't win California, there's still less than a hundred delegates seperating him from Hillary now that things have settled. Very interesting indeed!

dguzman said...

I've been out of commission with a slight concussion, but even now in my still kinda dazed condition, I can tell that Hucky's wife would make a fitting follow-up to Babs the Impaler. *shudder*

Joe said...

I've been fascinated by how volatile and unpredictable the polls have been, with such wild swings in reported voter support. I'm encouraged by how well Obama does in "red" states (God how I hate that bullshit red state/blue state dichotomy) like Kansas, Idaho, etc.

Deepti said...

I know it's February, but I have a question: can you explain Super Tuesday to this Canadian?

Evil Spock said...

A McCain/Huckabee ticket could be potentially devastating. McCain attracts moderates and independants, while Huckabee gets those on the farthest right.

Becareful what you wish for my monkey friend. . .

BOSSY said...

Nope, and Barack puts the Hot in Hot Ticket.

Randal Graves said...

I have to second evil spock. Sure, Dobson and his Shower Penis Storytime might blather on still, but I think a lot of the rank-and-file über-Jesusheads would swallow their vomit and vote for The Maverick®/Fuckabee over a chick or a black dude or not voting at all. One of those Supreme Courters is going to fucking die, and they need the right kind of activism on the bench. Not to mention blowing more shit up.

Mnmom said...

Is it me or does Mike Huckabee look liked a crazed rabbit?

Jane Austen Jr - Super Tuesday is when many of the states have their caucuses or primaries with voters stating their choice for their party's Presidential nomination.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like that it's still very much a race for the Dems. It will help temper the winner for the GE.

And being from MA as long as Romney goes down in flames it's all good on the Repub side.

Alyson said...

Doc... I am sure this isn't news to you, as your humor and intelligence far surpass my own (seriously, that's completely obvious) but I broke down all the key points of the primary yesterday on my blog today, including TN.

I am not at all surprised Obama didn't win TN. I figured he wouldn't when looking back on the whole Harold Ford, Jr. thing.

BUT, he won Hamilton County, won big in Davidson County, and made a killing in Shelby. He almost even pulled Knox out. But he handily won the 3 biggest counties with the most people in the State. The open-minded ones, sadly unlike the ones that reside in many of our surrounding counties.

I am also quite pleased as I am not sure how one can proclaim victory when their opponent won 13, probably 14 of the 22 States up for grabs. Gosh, I sure do feel bad for her.

I think she may be freaking out right now, and I for one am LOVING IT!! :-)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Karen-Never underestimate a Southerners capacity to vote for an idiot, especially one like Huckabee.

Dguzman-I was wondering where you were. I hope you're okay!

Bubs-I loved how he did in the heartland and in the west too.

Jane-Yes I can and yes I did.

Evil Spock-If the Dems do their job and paint McCain as Bush then we should not have anything to worry about.

Bossy-I agree, he's one fine lookin' dude.

Randal-I think you underestimate the hatred of the failed policies of Bush that we the people harbor.

MNMom-He also looks like he's his wife's brother.

MWB-You got that right.

Alyson-Your breakdown was quite good and very informative. I enjoyed it very much.