Friday, February 29, 2008

The ass rocket speaks

Did anyone besides me catch the irony of our Idiot in Chief telling Turkey to strike quick, do their nasty business in Iraq, and then get out fast? Bush is barely the President of this country, is he now also the President of Iraq? Too bad that he can't follow his own advice on Iraq.

I would like to thank him for his endorsement of Barak Obama today though. What's that? You missed it? He endorsed Obama when he attacked him and said how wrong his plans to actually use diplomacy to talk to our enemies were. When you realize that everything Bush has ever said while President has been wrong, then you'll know that his tantrum about Obama was his way of endorsing him.


Freida Bee said...

He seemed to be advertising for direct deposit. Something fishy's going on there. Yes, we know about your only good news in eight years, Chimpy; we heard you already tell us about our borrowed, imaginary money (our's and some corporations' bribe, so they won't go bankrupt and we won't riot) will be sent out in May and there's that letter. Enough already. Oh, and $4.00 gas.

With Coulter really endorsing Clinton and now this for Obama, Obama's sure to win. I agree.

Distributorcap said...

he also said there was no recession heading our way and didnt realize that gas was THAT expensive

there is no torture strong enough for this asshole

Randal Graves said...

Gas isn't that expensive if you compare it to, say, health care, so he's not wrong. See! Go, Chimp, Go!

Mnmom said...

I hate that man

Cheesecake Maven said...

An eight year blip of embarrassment in U.S. government with generations of trickle down mess for our children and their children to deal with and clean up. Shame on this administration.

Alyson said...

thank goodness for the gw endorsement because you know how devastating it was when the KKK opted NOT to endorse Obama the other day.

what a blow to his campaign, huh??

i was really banking on that KKK endorsement...

Micgar said...

and I still am wondering how in the hell did someone sooooo dumb get elected?! twice. Like a nightmare that will soon end. thankfully! Obama 08