Monday, January 14, 2008

Whatever would we do with out massive multinational corporations?

Slappy Boi was back on my blog and he/she had a problem with my post about that ass Mark Cuban. I deleted your comment Slappy Boi because this is my blog and I control things here. Until you buy out Google and force me to stop deleting your comments, I'll keep on doing it.

Slappy has a big problem with my anti corporate stance. He wanted to know whatever would he do if he couldn't buy milk and condoms from his multi national corporate owned mega super store and whatever would he do if he couldn't fly a corporate airline that is backed by the US government so that it never will go out of business.

Here's what you'd do if the major mega store went under Slappy, you'd have to buy local products from farmers and Mom and Pop owned businesses. It would be better for the planet and for your health if you were forced to buy locally grown food. Instead buying a gallon of milk that is full of hormones that do not naturally occur in milk, you'd be buying and drinking milk that is how nature intended it, pure and wholesome. Instead of buying meat that had been slaughtered in a dirty abattoir in China, you'd have to buy meat that had been harvested closer to home. Millions of gallons of fossil fuels would not be burnt and your neighbors would be reaping the profits instead of some faceless gutless corporation that cares nothing about the environment or your home area.

As far as what the airlines go, that's one industry that I'd love to see lose all government help and subsidies. It's one industry where the vicissitudes of the free market should be actually let loose. The airlines cry foul when they have to actually compete and they run to the government to bail them out when they lose money. The government ended welfare for individuals years ago, it's time we ended it for business and industry.

You see Slappy, your neighbors, I'd usually use the phrase "your friends and neighbors" but I doubt you have any friends, would pick up the slack if the major corporations weren't sucking up all the business and putting small business out of business. I'm not anti business, I'm pro small Mom and Pop business. I'm against huge conglomerates owning everything and I'm for local ownership of businesses.

I'm glad you keep coming by though, maybe one day the truth and reality of what I and my compatriots write about will sink in on your small mind. Oh and just to let you know, I won't ever be stopping by your blog, nothing you say interests me.


Karen said...

I love you Dr. M. Can I b president of your fan club?

Crayons said...

I'm so glad you didn't just delete his vociferation. This is an excellent and well-reasoned tirade. I never thought about airlines before reading this.

Blueberry said...

The only big corporation I can tolerate is the one that makes Adobe Photoshop. Here's a gallery you might like.

Claire said...

I'm not anti-corporation. I'm just anti-pro-corporation. If they can do business without being propped up by the government (by tax breaks, ridiculously favorable legislation, etc.) then fine. I don't object to their existence per se, I just object to any government policy that unfairly advantages them over small businesses.

Ubermilf said...

To piggyback on what CDP just said, I find it hilarious when corporations squeal about a "free market economy" when they are sucking at the taxpayer's teat.

Distributorcap said...

dr m
you are my hero


Fran said...

I love you Dr. Monkey I do!!!

dguzman said...

What CDP said. It kills me to see the corporations take their billions in tax breaks and then pretend they're for "free enterprise."