Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A very late Two for Tuesday

Here's two photos of one of my favorite brunette actresses, Dana Delany:
I didn't watch China Beach much back when it was on because I was heavy into Wiseguy, but I sure enjoyed all the publicity shots they did of Ms. Delany.


Fran said...

I seem to recall that at the time, I thought the final episode of China Beach, was one of the best hours of television that I had ever watched.

I wonder what I would think if I saw it again.

Wiseguy. That was great too. I think I went back and forth between the two or recorded one on the vcr and watched the other.

dguzman said...

Oh man, I watched China Beach whenever I could (I was teaching night classes back then, so sometimes I was working), and I soooo totally had a crush on McMurphy. *sigh* That was a great show, and the closing theme song was perhaps the saddest music I'd ever heard.

I never watched Wiseguy.

Matthew Hubbard said...

She's also great in Tombstone, which is my favorite of all the movies dealing in any way with the OK corral story.

Whiskeymarie said...

I love love loved China Beach, mostly because Chloe Webb (Nancy in the movie Sid & Nancy) was in it.
It was a really great show, though.

Romius T. said...

i can't believe you watched wiseguy...wow.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Fran-One day I'll watch China Beach, I also dig Marg Helgenberger. Hubba hubba.

Dguzman-Wiseguy was more of a guys show.

Matty Boy-I've never made it all the way through Tombstone.

Whiskey-I loved Sid & Nancy.

Romius-You got something against Wiseguy? It rocked for a few years. Then it stank.