Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sweet Jeebus, Chris Matthews is insane

Click on crazy Chris to see his latest insane pronouncement.
Yo, Chris, your lover man Giuliani has been beaten. His ass was whipped in Iowa, it got skunked funked in New Hampshire, walloped in Wyoming, monkey whipped in Nevada, and last Saturday it got reamed in South Carolina.
Your dream President is not a viable candidate anywhere, well except inside that fat head of yours. In your world it's always sunny and the sky is a color from outside the visible spectrum. When it rains in your world Chicklets fall instead of water. And in your world you ride a unicorn as your long blond hair flows behind you. Than Rudy comes bounding up on his giant Kanga-rat and he takes you in his manly arms. You two kiss and share a laugh as he lays you down in a field of cotton candy and he impregnates you with his seed.
The Republican race is down to Hickabee, but he's failing fast, McCain, and Willard Mittens The Latter Day Saint. Your boy Rudy is not a factor, he's not a viable candidate. He's got Pat Robertson's endorsement and one percent of the vote. Let me break it down for you this way Chris:
Here is the set of people who have a chance to get the Republican nomination (McCain and Willard Mittens).
Here is the set of people who don't have a chance in hell of getting the nomination (Rudy and Hickabee).

Now Chris, did you see which set Rudy was in? Probably not. Hell, what do I know though, I'm not on TV shouting down everyone like you are. You got to be smarter than me because you're on TV and you shout a lot.

Me, I just study and learn from history and I pay attention to how the votes have been cast. Maybe you should try it sometime. Oh yeah, and try shutting that fat yap of yours too, you can't learn anything by constantly yammering on with your nonsense.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Dude. Supercuts is like only $7.99. Check it out.

Romius T. said...


your a tuff one monkey man

Randal Graves said...

If you add up all his percentages in the primaries, then Rudy! has around 30% of the vote which would put him in striking distance of the Maverick®! I love media math!

kim said...

I'm just groovin' on his hair, baby! Wow!

pissed off patricia said...

Chris has become just about unwatchable (is that a word?)

I'm hoping Rudy gets his ass kicked down here in Fla. That'll get Chris' boxers in a knot for a long time. He'll question the mental condition of our whole state and he'll spit and fume. I'm gonna love it.

Devilham said...

That bit about the unicorn and cotton candy was priceless. What a horrible visual!!!

dguzman said...

What devilham said, especially the part where Rudy lays Crazy down and impregnates him. Blech.

mad said...

Giuliani is a spiteful little prick.

Jess Wundrun said...

Did you see where they tallied all candidates coverage and even though Edwards has more support in his race than all but two of the republicans (by percent not number), Giuliani and Fred Thompson were still getting more media coverage than Edwards.

And then there's Kucinich.

Distributorcap said...

9/11 9/11 9/11

did that help